過去のInternet Week

BoF 開催報告書:ISOC-JP BoF

BoF開催団体 ISOC-JP仮事務局
開催日時 2011年11月30日(水) 18:45〜20:15
参加者数 22名(オンサイト20名+リモート2名)

 過去に活動をしていたISOCのLocal ChapterであるISOC-JPは、 現在「再活性化が必要な地域部会」のステータスになっている。 これを再活性化にあたり、 昨年開催したBoF以降の各種活動の報告と来年の活動に向けての議論を行った。


2nd ISOC-JP BoF minutes

Date: 30 Nove 2011 18:45-   during Internet Week 2011
Venue: Fuji Soft Akiba Plaza

Number of participants: 20 in person, 2 on webex

1. Introduction
2. Activity report of this year
3. Discussion toward applying as a local chapter:
 - discussing by-laws, chapter regional scope and the name
 - election of officers
 - about membership
4. Discuss activities of 2012

1. Introduction
 Opening by Tachibana-san.

2. Activity report of this year
 Reported  by Tachibana-san.

3. Discussion toward applying as a local chapter
3.1 By laws
Mainly discussed on "Article II. - Purpose" is appropriate.
Consensus was made that this section is good enough for now.

The fourth bullet includes editorial error.
- Educate next generation leaders who play an active role in the world
form Japan.

This "form" should be modified to "from".

Correct typo, check it in secretariat and re-send it to the list.
      -> officers

3.2 By Chapter name
Mainly discussed on "Japan" vs "Tokyo".
Consensus was made that this organization shall be called the
Internet Society Japan Chapter. We also take "ISOC-JP" for its

It is also confirmed that other local chapters in Japan will
be encouraged in the future, and if new other city-based chapter
is established, we'll consider to change our chapter name.

3.3  Election of officers
5 officers are required as it is described on the bylaws, and we had 5
nominee, so there's no election at this time.  These officers are
temporary members for the start up of this chapter, and will serve
until the official officers will be elected.

4. Discuss activities of 2012
IETF report meeting might be good to start with.

ISOC-JP would be an umbrella organization for many Internet
related organizations in Japan, be a contact point to connect
International Internet movement with Japan government, industries,
and people.

We'd better hold face-to-face ISOC-JP discussion more often.

5. Rejuvenation process/about membership
Mile stones for the chapter application will be posted to the mailing

At least 25 ISOC members are mandatory. Please join ISOC membership.

Draft milestone and send it to the list -> officers

 ISOC-JP の再活性化に向けた今年度の活動の報告を行い、 今後の活動に利用する組織名の決定について合意した。 加えて来年度の活動を推進し、Local Chapterとして申請を完了する事を活動の主目的とした運営体制の為のofficers選挙を実施することができた。

 来年の活動についても有効な議論を行うことができ、今後、 Local Chapterの活動のマイルストンを作成しつつ、 日本国内へのISOCの活動紹介、 世界への日本の各種団体の活動状況を発信する等の活動を実施しつつLocal Chapterとしての正式な申請を行い、 国際組織への日本の貢献度アップという目標に結びつけていきたいと考える。
