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2. Charge for domain name and IP address application Japanese Page

Since the first June 1995, Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) comes to ask clients to pay the actual expenses for the cost of managing domain name registration and IP address allocation registration.

1 Charge for general user application

Domain name application

  • Application for new domain name <NOT free of charge>
  • Application for deleting of domain name <FREE of charge>
  • Application for change of domain name
    • Change of domain name with changing enterprise's name <NOT free of charge>
    • Change of domain name for resons of applicant's own <NOT free of charge>
    • Change the attribute type GO to the geographic domain type for a local public organization and a lower branch of the organization <FREE of charge>
    • Change to another domain name in case of using the name of prefectures and government ordinance appointed city as the third level name of attribute type, which were used as the second level of a local type <FREE of charge>
  • Notice of changing the name of the organization <FREE of charge>
  • Application of changing the contents of DB <FREE of charge>
    Except the change of a domain name, a organization name and outline of a organization.
  • Reapplication of domain name <NOT free of charge>
    In case of reapplication of domain name which becomes void once because of being more than the term of not connecting and so forth.

Besides, the application for geographic domain will be all free because of the testing term.

IP address application

  • Application for new IP address <NOT free of charge>
  • Application for returning IP address <FREE of charge>
  • Change of expanding IP address space <NOT free of charge>
    ex.) Return 4C and apply new 8C
  • Change of reducing IP address space <FREE of charge>
    ex.) Return 1B and apply new 16C
  • Change of IP address
    not free in principle, but be free in the case of as follows.
    1. Return to the previous connecting provider or JPNIC because of exchanging connecting points and using the new IP address in CIDR BLOCK of new provider.
    2. Return the IP address whose boundary is not the second power and change the IP address whose boundary is the second power.
  • Change of the DB contents <FREE of charge>
    Change of DB field about IP address.

2 How to pay

In case of not free application, please transfer 20,000 yen in advance as the charge of domain name application or IP address application to the JPNIC specified account as follows. Appling the both application, you can transfer 40,000 yen altogether. Besides please pay the transferring charge by yourself.

Mitsubishi bank the branch of Ochanomizu (Number 032)
Ordinary deposit 0275285
Japan Network Information Center

3 Notice for application

The registration of domain name the allocation and IP address are decided according to "JP Domain Name Application" and "IP Address Application". Please confirm the contents of application referring to the above mentioned documents, when you apply new application.

Please try to get the newest JPNIC public documents of application procedure and the way to appling, and apply according to those.

4 Work commission of application procedure

JPNIC introduced charges and entrust a part of application procedure for JPNIC members. They practice application procedures from general users and collect instead of JPNIC, so that JPNIC makes a purpose of promoting both omitting procedures of JPNIC and the speedy procedure of allocation /registration to general user by JPNIC members.

For practicing work commission, there needs to entry the information of accounting in charge which will be the window. Please see "The charge of application for domain name and IP address -for JPNIC members-" (English version is not available) for the registration way of a person in charge and process of application in practice, the way of payment.

5 JPNIC public documents for charge

Please refer the JPNIC public documents as follows for details. As the contents will be updated, please get the newest documents.

[1] "IP address application and the charge -for general users-"
(English version is not available)
[2] "Domain name application and the charge -for general users-"
(English version is not available)
[3] "Domain name and IP address application charge -for JPNIC members-"
(English version is not available)

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