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IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Holding the 70th ICANN Meeting Report (In Japanese)
Announcement of RPKI Hands-On Workshop/Seminar (In Japanese)
51st Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Notice of the 16th JPNIC Talk Lounge (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC endorses a statement for Global Digital Compact (Rev. 1) made by a Technical Community Coalition for Multistakeholderism
JPNIC joins Technical Community Coalition for Multistakeholderism
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Announcement of JPNIC Officer Election Results and Personnel Appointments (In Japanese)
50th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Release of the Multistakeholder Statement on NETmundial+10 (Japanese Translation)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC 75th General Members Meeting on 18th June 2024 (In Japanese)
49th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Released NETmundial+10 outcome document (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Released NETmundial+10 outcome document preliminary version (In Japanese)
Notice of the 15th JPNIC Talk Lounge (In Japanese)
Announcement: Internet Week Showcase in Fukuoka (In Japanese)
Announcement of the 46th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting (In Japanese)
48th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Notice of Finalized Program for the 69th ICANN Meeting (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Holding the 69th ICANN Meeting Report (In Japanese)
47th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Maemura from JPNIC to Participate as a High-Level Executive Committee Member at the NETmundial+10 (In Japanese)
Announcement of the Release of JPNIC Newsletter Issue 86 (In Japanese)
Notice Regarding Implementation of JPNIC Document on JPIRR Service (In Japanese)
Announcement: Release of Internet Week 2023 Presentation Materials (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
46th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
JPNIC 74th General Members Meeting on 15th March 2023 (In Japanese)
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
"Internet White Paper 2023" Archived on Web (In Japanese)
45th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on JPIRR Service Published (In Japanese)
"Internet White Paper 2024" Issued (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
44th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated


IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
43rd Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
42nd Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
41st Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
40th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
39th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
Internet Week 2023 (hybrid), 15th - 22nd November 2023 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
38th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
37th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC receives APNIC's response to "An Appeal for Reinforcement of the Governing Mechanism of APNIC"
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
36th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Call for APNIC56 Conference Sponsor (In Japanese)
APNIC56 Conference will be held in September in Kyoto (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
35th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC 73rd General Members Meeting on 12th June 2023 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
34th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC with APNIC submitted the opinion for UN Tech Envoy's Global Digital Compact
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
33rd Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
32nd Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
An Appeal for Reinforcement of the Governing Mechanism of APNIC
"Internet White Paper 2022" Archived on Web (In Japanese)
JPNIC 72nd General Members Meeting on 20th March 2023 (In Japanese)
"Internet White Paper 2023" Issued (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
31st Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
30th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC


IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
R.I.P. Toru Takahashi (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
29th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
JPNIC renews MoU between VNNIC (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
28th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
27th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
26th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
25th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
24th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Internet Week 2022 (hybrid), 21st - 30th November 2022 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
23rd Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
22nd Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Revision of Documents for IPv4 and ASN transfer procedure, and for registering [Abuse] field in network and ASN information (In Japanese)
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Revision of Documents for corresponding to the revised Act on the Protection of Personal Information (In Japanese)
21st Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Appointment of JPNIC Board of Trustees
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Revision of Documents for corresponding to the revised Act on the Protection of Personal Information (In Japanese)
20th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
19th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
JPNIC 71th General Members Meeting on 13th June 2022 (In Japanese)
Internet Week Show Case Tokushima-Online (Online), 23th - 24th June 2022 (In Japanese)
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Revision of Documents for IP Address policy and procedures (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Revision of Documents for IP Address policy and procedures (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
14th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC 70th General Members Meeting on 18th March 2022 (In Japanese)
"Internet White Paper 2021" Archived on Web (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
"Internet White Paper 2022" Issued (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
13th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Service outage: Disk full caused lost ROA validity
12th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Our office has moved to new location


10th / 11th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
PCCW Global Japan corporation. Joined as Mirroring Point of JPIRR (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
9th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC Secretariat Removal and Winter Holiday Announcement (In Japanese)
8th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Internet Week Basic Ondemand Published (In Japanese)
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Revision of Documents for IPv6 Address policy and JPNIC Policy Development Process (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC Talk Lounge 4th (in Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
7th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Revision of Documents for IPv6 Address policy and JPNIC Policy Development Process (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Talk Lounge 3rd (in Japanese)
6th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
5th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
Newsletter No.78 Published (In Japanese)
Internet Week 2021 (Online), 15th - 26th November 2021 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
4th Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
2nd Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC Talk Lounge 2nd (in Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
1st Meeting of the National IGF Activities Acceleration Team (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC Talk Lounge 1st (in Japanese)
Internet Week Show Case 2021 (Online), 8th - 9th July 2021 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC 69th General Members Meeting on 14th June 2021 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Newsletter No.77 Published (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC 68th General Members Meeting on 19th March 2021 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
"Internet White Paper 2020" Archived on Web (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
"Internet White Paper 2021" Issued (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Change for the corresponding of anti-social forces in the contract --- (In Japanese)


IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Change for the corresponding of anti-social forces in the contract --- (In Japanese) (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Winter Holiday Announcement (In Japanese)
Newsletter No.76 Published (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Change to digitized invoices --- (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Technical Seminar in October 2020 (In Japanese)
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Change to digitized invoices --- (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Internet Week 2020 (Online), 17th - 27th November 2020 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Newsletter No.75 Published (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Revision of Documents for IPv6 Address policy and JPNIC Policy Development Process --- (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Revision of Documents for IPv6 Address policy and JPNIC Policy Development Process (In Japanese)
Service failure report: ROAs had not been listed in Manifest file (June 8/resolved)
Appointment of JPNIC Board of Trustees
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Service outage: ROAWeb and RPKI repository (resolved)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IETF107 Update Meeting, 11th May 2020 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC Technical Seminar in April 2020 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Newsletter No.74 Published (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC 66th General Members Meeting on 19th March 2020 (In Japanese)
"Internet White Paper 2019" Archived on Web (In Japanese)
"Internet White Paper 2020" Issued (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IGF 2019 Reporting Session - 28th February 2020 (In Japanese)
2019 DRP Review Committee Materials Published (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
R.I.P. Susumu Sano, Trustee of JPNIC (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2019 DRP Review Committee Materials Published (In Japanese)


JPNIC Technical Seminar in February 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2018 DRP Review Committee Materials Published (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Winter Holiday Announcement (In Japanese)
Newsletter No.73 Published (In Japanese)
56th ICANN Reporting Session - 13 December 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Revision of Consumption Tax Rate --- (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Dr. Suguru Yamaguchi Inducted into 2019 INTERNET HALL OF FAME (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Changes in Documents for IPv4 Address and AS numbers policy --- (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IETF105 Update Meeting, 30th August 2019 (In Japanese)
Internet Week 2019 in Asakusabashi, 26th - 29th November 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC Technical Seminar in September-October 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv6 Seminaer in Naha, 5th - 6th September 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Changes in Documents for IPv4 Address and AS numbers policy and Revision of Consumption Tax Rate --- (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Newsletter No.72 Published (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
55th ICANN Reporting Session - 8th August 2019 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
2019 DRP Review Committee Members Published (In Japanese)
2018 DRP Review Committee Materials Published (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
27th IGCJ Meeting on 9th July 2019 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC 65th General Members Meeting on 18th June 2019 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC Technical Seminar in June-July 2019 (In Japanese)
IETF104 Update Meeting, 17th May 2019 (In Japanese)
54th ICANN Reporting Session - 28th May 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Internet Week Showcase in Sendai, 30th - 31st May 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Introduction to Internet Seminar for Beginners (In Japanese)
Akinori Maemura Re-elected to Seat 10 of the ICANN Board of Directors (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Technical Seminar in April 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Yoshinobu Mathuzaki Becomes Member of APNIC EC (In Japanese)
Internet Community Meetup with ISOC CEO (2019) on 4th March 2019 (In Japanese)
JPNIC 64th General Members Meeting on 18th March 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
ICANN64 Pre Policy Briefing Session on 4th March 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv6 1day Tech Seminaer in Sapporo, 2nd March 2019 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
"Internet White Paper 2018" Archived on Web (In Japanese)
"Internet White Paper 2019" Issued (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IGF 2018 Reporting Session - 27th February 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated


IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv6 Summit in SHIZUOKA 2019, 14th-15th February 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC Nominates MAEMURA Akinori for Seat 10 of ICANN Board of Directors
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Winter Holiday Announcement (In Japanese)
IETF103 Update Meeting, 14th December 2018 (In Japanese)
53th ICANN Reporting Session - 6th December 2018 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Technical Seminar in February 2019 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Technical Seminar in October 2018 (In Japanese)
RFP for Data Escrow Agent for the JP Domain Name Registry (In Japanese)
52th ICANN Reporting Session - 4th September 2018 (In Japanese)
Internet Week 2018 in Asakusabashi, 27th - 30th November 2018 (In Japanese)
JPNIC Employment Opportunities (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv6 Summit in Osaka & IPv6 Hands on Seminar (In Japanese)
IETF102 Update Meeting, 31st August 2018 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
MSK-IX Joined as Mirroring Point of JPIRR (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Appointment of JPNIC Board of Trustees
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Six Years after World IPv6 Launch: IPv6 Deployment Status in Japan (JPNIC Blog)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC 63rd General Members Meeting on 15th June 2018 (In Japanese)
ICANN Board Approves Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
51st ICANN Reporting Session - 26th April 2018 (In Japanese)
IETF101 Update Meeting, 27th April 2018 (In Japanese)
JPNIC Technical Seminar in April, June 2018 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Internet Week Showcase in Hiroshima, 31th May - 1st June 2018 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Revision of Documents for IPv4 and IPv6 Address policy and JPNIC Policy Development Process (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC Technical Seminar in April 2018 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC 62nd General Members Meeting on 16th March 2018 (In Japanese)
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Revision of Documents for IPv4 and IPv6 Address policy and JPNIC Policy Development Process (In Japanese)
"Internet White Paper 2017" Archived on Web (In Japanese)
Introduction to Internet Seminar for Beginners (In Japanese)
"Internet White Paper 2018" Issued (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv6 Seminar in Matsue, 2nd March 2018 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC


IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Revision of Documents for IPv4 Address policy , AS numbers policy and JPNIC Policy Development Process (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv6 Seminar in Niigata, 1st - 2nd February 2018 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Winter Holiday Announcement (In Japanese)
IETF100 Update Meeting, 15th December 2017 (In Japanese)
Asia Internet Symposium / Online Privacy Workshop, Tokyo 2017 - 7th December 2017 (In Japanese)
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Revision of Documents for IPv4 Address policy , AS numbers policy and JPNIC Policy Development Process (in Japanese)
JPNIC Technical Seminar in February 2018 (In Japanese)
50th ICANN Reporting Session - 5th December 2017 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Internet Week 2017 Registration Start (in Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Shigeki Goto, President of JPNIC, Inducted into 2017 INTERNET HALL OF FAME
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Internet Week 2017 in Asakusabashi, 28th November - 1st December 2017 (In Japanese)
Invitation to an Open Session with David Conrad, ICANN CTO (In Japanese)
IETF99 Update Meeting, 1st September 2017 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Technical Seminar in October (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
49th ICANN Reporting Session - 8th August 2017 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Revised JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and its Rules Now Active (In Japanese)
ICANN 64 Meeting to Be Held in March 2019 in Japan (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv6 Seminar in Kanazawa/Hiroshima, 6th-7th/20th-21st July 2017 (In Japanese)
JPNIC Technical Seminar in June (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Revised JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and its Rules Published (In Japanese)
JPNIC 61th General Members Meeting on 16th June 2017 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Hiroshi Esaki Re-elected to Board of ISOC (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IETF98 Update Meeting, 12th May 2017 (In Japanese)
Internet Week Showcase in Nagoya, 1th June - 2nd June 2017 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
48th ICANN Reporting Session - 20th April 2017 (In Japanese)
IPv6 Cloud Workshop on 19th April 2017 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Technical Seminar in April, June (In Japanese)
Izumi Okutani Becomes Member of APNIC EC (In Japanese)
JPNIC 60th General Members Meeting on 17th March 2017 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
"Internet White Paper 2016" Archived on Web (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
"Internet White Paper 2017" Issued (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IPv6 Summit in MIYAZAKI 2017, 9th February 2017 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv6 Hands-on Workshop in Hiroshima, 28th January 2017 (In Japanese)
JPNIC Technical Seminar in February (In Japanese)


47th ICANN Reporting Session - 19th January 2017 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Winter Holiday Announcement (In Japanese)
IETF97 Update Meeting, 16th December 2016 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Akinori Maemura Becomes Member of ICANN Board as of Today (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv6 Seminar in Ohsaka, 1st-2nd November 2016 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Internet Week 2016 Registration Start (in Japanese)
Call for BoF (in Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Comment on The IANA IPR Agreements (in Japanese)
IPv6 Summit in TAKAMATSU 2016, 16th September 2016 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
NTIA Intends to Allow IANA Contract to Expire as of 1st October (In Japanese)
IETF96 Update Meeting, 12th September 2016 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC Technical Seminar in September (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Internet Week 2016 in Asakusabashi, 29th November - 2nd December 2016 (In Japanese)
IPv6 Seminar and Hands on Training in Sendai, 25th/26th August 2016 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
46th ICANN Reporting Session - 4th August 2016 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Akinori Maemura to Take Office as Member of ICANN BoD in November 2016 (In Japanese)
Appointment of JPNIC Board of Trustees (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC Employment Opportunities (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC 59th General Members Meeting on 17th June 2016 (In Japanese)
JPNIC Technical Seminar in June/July (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
R.I.P. Dr. Suguru Yamaguchi, Trustee of JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
IETF95 Update Meeting, 10th May 2016 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Questionnaire Survey on JPNIC's Information Media (In Japanese)
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC To Hold Press Event on IANA Transition - 30th March 2016 (In Japanese)
JPNIC Technical Seminar in April, June/July (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
45th ICANN Reporting Session - 30th March 2016 (In Japanese)
Akinori Maemura Concludes His Term on APNIC EC - EC Election Result (In Japanese)
IoT Network Programing Workshop in Tokyo, 16th March 2016 (In Japanese)
Q&A about New gTLD (In Japanese)
JPNIC 58th General Members Meeting on 18th March 2016 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv6 Seminar in Fukuoka, 11th March 2016 (In Japanese)
"Internet White Paper 2015" Archived on Web (In Japanese)
"Internet White Paper 2016" Issued (In Japanese)
IPv6 Seminar on Server Management in Ebisu, 16th February 2016 (In Japanese)
RPKI Study Meeting, 9th February 2016 (In Japanese)
AS Number Transfer Log Updated
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Nominates MAEMURA Akinori for Seat 10 on ICANN Board of Directors
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated
JPNIC Technical Seminar in February (In Japanese)
JPNIC Employment Opportunities (In Japanese)


JPNIC Starts IPv4 Transfers Listing Service (In Japanese)
JPNIC Submits Comments on 3rd Draft Report on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Endorses Joint Statement on WSIS+10 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 9th December 2015
JPNIC Submits Comments for the Amendment of Regulations for Enforcement of the Telecommunications Business Law, etc. (in Japanese)
Winter Holiday Announcement (in Japanese)
IETF94 Update Meeting, 8th December 2015 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 25th November 2015
JPNIC 57th General Members Meeting on 11th December 2015 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 12th November 2015
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv6 Seminar in Nagoya, 4th December 2015 (In Japanese)
10th IGCJ (Intenet Governance Conference Japan) Meeting, 19th November 2015 (In Japanese)
44th ICANN Reporting Session - 18th November 2015 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 19th October 2015
JPNIC Starts DNSSEC Service to Reverse DNS Trees (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 6th October 2015
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 30th September 2015
JPNIC Submits Comments for Non-paper on Overall Review of Implementation of WSIS Outcomes (In Japanese)
29th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting, 17th November 2015 (In Japanese)
Internet Week 2015 Registration Start (In Japanese)
JPNIC Submits Comments on 2nd Draft Report on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (In Japanese)
Call for BoF Internet Week 2015 (In Japanese)
Tomohiro Fujisaki Re-elected as NRO NC at APNIC40 (In Japanese)
2nd IETF Study Meeting (In Japanese)
JPNIC Submits Comments on ICG's Combined IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 4th September 2015
JPNIC Employment Opportunities (In Japanese)
JPNIC Technical Seminar in September/October (In Japanese)
Internet Week 2015 in Akihabara, 17th - 20th November 2015 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 13th July 2015
Call for Public Comment by Cross Community Working Group: 2nd Draft Report on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (In Japanese)
Announcement from JPNIC on ICG's "IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal: Call for Public Comment" (In Japanese)
JPNIC Submits Comments on WSIS+10 Review (In Japanese)
IETF93 Update Meeting, 27th August 2015 (In Japanese)
IPv6 Seminar in Takamatu/Okayama, 1st - 2nd September 2015 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 27th July 2015
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 22nd July 2015
8th IGCJ (Intenet Governance Conference Japan) Meeting, 28th July 2015 (In Japanese)
43rd ICANN Reporting Session - 28th July 2015 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 15th July 2015
JPNIC Starts Pilot Blog (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Signs MoU with ICANN and JPRS for Cooperation in Japanese Translation of ICANN Documents
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 18th June 2015
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 11th June 2015
JPNIC Response to Proposed Accountability Enhancements by CCWG-Accountability
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 2nd June 2015
Registration Open for JPNIC Technical Seminar in June/July (In Japanese)
1st Joint Meeting of CGP, JGP and KGP for New gTLD Label (In Japanese)
JPNIC 56th General Members Meeting on 19th June 2015 (In Japanese)
JPNIC Submits Comments on CWG Stewardship 2nd Draft Proposal
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 13th May 2015
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC and JPRS Publish "History of Internet Resources Management in Japan - Focusing on Domain Name and IP Address".
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 7th May 2015
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 27th April 2015
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IETF92 Update Meeting, 24th April 2015 (In Japanese)
28th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting, 16th June 2015 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 30th March 2015
Nic.ad.jp Signed with DNSSEC (In Japanese)
42nd ICANN Reporting Session - 14th April 2015 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 25th March 2015
6th IGCJ (Intenet Governance Conference Japan) Meeting, 2nd April 2015 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 19th March 2015
ICANN Approves Foundation of "Japanese Generation Panel (JGP)" (In Japanese)
How You Can Help Vanuatu - From APNIC Blog (In Japanese)
JPNIC Technical Seminar - DNS, Routing and Network Security - (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Starts Pilot RPKI Service (In Japanese)
Round Table with Theresa Swinehart (ICANN) on 11th March 2015 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 25th February 2015
JPNIC 55th General Members Meeting on 20th March 2015 (In Japanese)
Experts Proposes for Generation Panel for Japanese Label Generation Rules for Root Zone (In Japanese)
JPNIC's Stance on Committee Structure of JP Domain Name Advisory Committee (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
"Internet White Paper 2013-2014" Archived on Web (In Japanese)
AS Number Transfer Log Published, 9th February 2015
Study Meeting for APRICOT-APAN2015/APNIC39 Conference (In Japanese)
Community Consultation for Development of Terms of Reference of NETmundial Initiative Launched - Akinori Maemura in JPNIC Listed as Coordinating Council Members (In Japanese)
"Internet White Paper 2015" Issued (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
5th IGCJ (Intenet Governance Conference Japan) Meeting, 29th January 2015 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 8th January 2015
JPNIC Technical Seminar - DNS, Routing and Network Security - (In Japanese)


Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 9th December 2014
IETF91 Update Meeting, 19th December 2014 (In Japanese)
Winter Holiday Announcement (in Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 19th November 2014
"History of Internet Resources Management in Japan" Published as Web Version (in Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 11th November 2014
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC 54th General Members Meeting on 5th December 2014 (In Japanese)
Alert for Fraudulent Rewriting of Registration Data for IP Addresses, AS Numbers and Domain Names (In Japanese)
JPNIC Submits Comments for Draft Report Issued by Domain Name Policy Committee in Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 5th November 2014
The 41th ICANN Reporting Session - 19th November 2014 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 21st October 2014
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 15th October 2014
The 3rd IGCJ (Intenet Governance Conference Japan) Meeting, 24th October 2014 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Starts Experimental Public ROA Cache Server to Enable RPKI Origin Validation (In Japanese)
The 3rd, 4th IGCJ (Intenet Governance Conference Japan) Meeting, 24th October 2014 / 20th November 2014 (In Japanese)
The 27th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting, 18th November 2014 (In Japanese)
Internet Week 2014 Registration Start (In Japanese)
JPNIC Technical Seminar - DNS, Routing and Network Security - (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Call for BoF Internet Week 2014 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 1st September 2014
Internet Week 2014 in Akihabara, 18th - 21st November 2014 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 18th August 2014
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IETF90 Update Meeting, 25th August 2014 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 30th July 2014
R.I.P. Mr Shinichi Narita (In Japanese)
The 2nd IGCJ (Intenet Governance Conference Japan) Meeting, 19th August 2014 (In Japanese)
JPNIC Technical Seminar - IPv6, DNS, Routing and Network Security - (In Japanese)
The 40th ICANN Reporting Session - 19th August 2014 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 16th July 2014
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 2nd July 2014
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- ASN Transfer Policy and Re-distribution of returned IPv4 address to JPNIC pool (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 24th June 2014
Appointment of JPNIC Board of Trustees (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 18th June 2014
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 12th June 2014
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Publishes Report on Measures for Name Collision and Widely Conducts Outreach
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 5th June 2014
Request for Proposal: RPKI system for trial (In Japanese)
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- ASN Transfer Policy and Re-distribution of returned IPv4 address to JPNIC pool (In Japanese)
The 1st IGCJ (Intenet Governance Conference Japan) Meeting, 18th June 2014 (In Japanese)
JPNIC 53rd General Members Meeting, 20th June 2014 (In Japanese)
The 26th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting, 8th July 2014 (In Japanese)
The NETmundial Reporting Session, 20th May 2014 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
The 39th ICANN Reporting Session, 29th May 2014 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 30th April 2014
JPNIC Technical Seminar - IPv6, DNS, Routing and Network Security - (In Japanese)
ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade visits JPNIC Office
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Dr. Masaki Hirabaru Inducted into 2014 INTERNET HALL OF FAME
RPKI workshop Spring 2014 (In Japanese)
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Changes in Documents for Revision of Consumption Tax Rate --- (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 28th March 2014
IETF89 Update Meeting, 11th April 2014 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 17th March 2014
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 13th March 2014
Published "IRR/RPKI Survey Team Activity Report" (In Japanese)
JPNIC President Dr. Shigeki Goto Awarded Cultural Prize from Institute of Information Security (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 5th March 2014
Akinori Maemura in JPNIC Re-elected as APNIC EC (In Japanese)
Published "Internet White Paper ARCHIVES" (In Japanese)
JPNIC Technical Seminar - IPv6, DNS, Routing and Network Security - (In Japanese)
Open Recruitment: Production Company of JPNIC Newsletter (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 19th February 2014
Statement from the I* Leaders Coordination Meeting, Santa Monica (In Japanese)
JPNIC 52nd General Members Meeting on 14th March 2014 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 12th February 2014
Issued "Internet White Paper 2013-2014" (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Meeting to Discuss "Global Multistakeholder Meeting on Future of Internet Governance" (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 6th February 2014
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Changes in Documents for Revision of Consumption Tax Rate --- (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 28th January 2014
JPNIC Staff Participate Preparatory Committee for Global Internet Governance Conference (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 22nd January 2014
JPNIC Initiatives against New gTLD's Name Collision Issues (In Japanese)
Commentary and Process Flow Chart of JP-DRP Added
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
"Opinion Collection Meeting for APNIC 37 Hosted by Policy-WG" (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 9th January 2014
JPNIC Abolishes ID/Password Authentification --- For Portable Assignment and ASN Holders --- (In Japanese)
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Depletion of Applications by ID/Password Authentification for Portable Assignment and ASN Holders --- (In Japanese)


The 38th ICANN Reporting Session - 14th January 2014 (In Japanese)
MoU singed by VNNIC and JPNIC (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 12th December 2013
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 9th December 2013
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 3rd December 2013
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 21st November 2013
Latest Situation Regarding Internet Governance(, and JPNIC's Involvement) (In Japanese)
JPNIC 51st General Members Meeting on 13th December 2013 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 18th November 2013
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 6th November 2013
The 37th ICANN Reporting Session Materials Published (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 31st October 2013
Revised JPNIC Document Now Active --- Revision of JPNIC Policy Development Process (In Japanese)
IETF87 Update Meeting Materials Published (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
About Montevideo Statement on the Future of Internet Cooperation (In Japanese)
Internet Policy Report No.12 Published (In Japanese)
The 25th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 26th November 2013 (In Japanese)
Draft of Revised JPNIC Document Published --- Revision of JPNIC Policy Development Process (In Japanese)
Internet Week 2013 Registration Start (In Japanese)
RFP for Data Escrow Agent for the JP Domain Name Registry (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Publishes "The Internet Timeline" as an Output of Its History Compilation Project (Japanese / English )
JPNIC Starts Requestor Authentification by Digital Certificate and Abolishing ID/Password Authentification --- For Portable Assignment and ASN Holders --- (In Japanese)
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Requestor Authentification by Digital Certificate for Portable Assignment and ASN Holders --- (In Japanese)
Internet Policy Report No.11 Published (In Japanese)
IETF87 Update Meeting - 5th September 2013 (In Japanese)
2013-08-26 Call for BoF Internet Week 2013 (In Japanese)
Internet Week 2013 in Tokyo (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Submits Comments to ITU's Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet) (In Japanese)
Opinion Collection Meeting about Proposal in APNIC 36 Hosted by Policy-WG - 19th August 2013 (In Japanese)
The 36th ICANN Reporting Session Materials Published (In Japanese)
The 37th ICANN Reporting Session - 20th August 2013 (In Japanese)
Internet Policy Report No.10 Published (In Japanese)
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Allowing Expanding Eligibility for IPv6 Portable Assignments (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 25th July 2013
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 23rd July 2013
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 9th July 2013
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 3rd July 2013
Internet Policy Report No.9 Published (In Japanese)
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Allowing Expanding Eligibility for IPv6 Portable Assignments (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 24th June 2013
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
JPNIC Signes "APNIC and NIR Member Relationship Agreement" with APNIC (In Japanese)
IETF86 Update Meeting Materials Published (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 11th June 2013
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 4th June 2013
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active ---JPNIC Adoptes Inter-Registry Transfer Policy (In Japanese)
Internet Policy Report No.8 Published (In Japanese)
JPNIC 50th General Members Meeting on 21st June 2013 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 21st May 2013
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 15th May 2013
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
The 36th ICANN Reporting Session - 23rd May 2013 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 9th May 2013
Internet Policy Report No.7 Published (In Japanese)
Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- JPNIC Policy for Inter-Registry Transfers --- (In Japanese)
The 24th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 18th June 2013 (In Japanese)
JPNIC Adopts Inter-Registry Transfer Policy (In Japanese)
Registration Open for 29th IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) Meeting (In Japanese)
JPNIC Starts Notification on Reserse DNS Delegations Identified as Lame (In Japanese)
Notification by JPNIC on Suspected Route Hyjack (In Japanese)
Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Now Active --- Changes in Documents for Revision of Fee Schedule --- (In Japanese)
Juridical Personality Change Caused by Legal Regulation Change, and Web Site Renewal (In Japanese)
Internet Policy Report No.6 Published (In Japanese)
IETF86 Update Meeting - 18th April 2013 (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 27th March 2013
The 35th ICANN Reporting Session Materials Published (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 21st March 2013
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
Internet Policy Report No.5 Published (In Japanese)
ICANN's New CEO Fadi Chehadé Visits JPNIC - Toward Strengthening ICANN's Global Activity - (In Japanese)
JPNIC 49th General Members Meeting on 15th March 2013 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 7th February 2013
Internet Policy Report No.4 Published (In Japanese)
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 29th January 2013
Opinion Collection Meeting about Proposal in APNIC 35 Hosted by Policy-WG - 7th February 2013 (In Japanese)
Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 7th January 2013


2012-12-26 Internet Policy Report No.3 Published (In Japanese)
2012-12-26 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 26th Dec 2012
2012-12-20 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 20th Dec 2012
2012-12-19 Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2012-12-18 JPIRR and IRR Run by Internet Initiative Japan Inc.(IIJ) Start Mirroring (In Japanese)
2012-12-10 Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP Address Service Published --- Changes in Documents for the Revision of the Fee Schedule --- (In Japanese)
2012-12-06 `ITU and Internet Governance' Page Created (In Japanese)
2012-12-06 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 6th Dec 2012
2012-12-03 About JPNIC's Business during New Year Period (In Japanese)
2012-11-28 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 28th Nov 2012
2012-11-26 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 20th Nov 2012
2012-11-16 IIJ Joined as Mirroring Point of JPIRR (In Japanese)
2012-11-15 Internet Policy Report No.2 Published (In Japanese)
2012-11-14 Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2012-11-14 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 14th Nov 2012
2012-11-13 About JPNIC 48th General Members Meeting on 7th Dec 2012 (In Japanese)
The 34th ICANN Reporting Session Materials Published (In Japanese)
2012-11-07 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 7th Nov 2012
2012-11-05 JPNIC's Statement on Revising ITRs to ITU
2012-11-05 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 5th Nov 2012
2012-10-30 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 30th Oct 2012
2012-10-29 The 35th ICANN Reporting Session - 20th November 2012 (In Japanese)
2012-10-22 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 22nd Oct 2012
2012-10-22 Revised "Clarification of operational practice about IPv6 address allocations" Now Active (In Japanese)
2012-10-16 Internet Policy Report No.1 published (In Japanese)
2012-10-15 Statistics on IP addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2012-10-10 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 10th Oct 2012
2012-10-09 Updated Graphical and Statistical Data of IP Addresses, IP Address Management Agents and JPIRR (In Japanese)
2012-09-27 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 27th Sep 2012
2012-09-25 The 23rd JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 19 Nov 2012 (In Japanese)
2012-09-24 Revised JPNIC Document Draft for IP Address Service Published --- Clarification of Operational Practice about IPv6 Address Allocations (In Japanese)
2012-09-24 Internet Week 2012 Registration Start (In Japanese)
2012-09-18 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 18th Sep 2012
2012-09-14 Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2012-09-13 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 13th Sep 2012
2012-09-10 Call for BoF Internet Week 2012 (In Japanese)
2012-09-04 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 4th Sep 2012
2012-08-23 Notice of Change of Address
2012-08-15 Internet Week 2012 in Tokyo (In Japanese)
2012-08-15 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 15th Aug 2012
2012-08-06 Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2012-07-31 JPNIC News Letter No.50 Published (In Japanese)
2012-07-26 Republication: The 34th ICANN Reporting Session - 31st July 2012 (In Japanese)
2012-07-24 The 33rd ICANN Reporting Session Materials Published (In Japanese)
2012-07-17 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 17th July 2012
2012-07-17 Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2012-07-12 The 34th ICANN Reporting Session - 31st July 2012 (In Japanese)
2012-07-10 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 10th July 2012
2012-07-06 Update Graph on Statics of IP (In Japanese)
2012-07-02 Revised "the JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy" Now Active (In Japanese)
2012-06-27 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 27th June 2012
2012-06-22 Close Public Comments on Security of JP Domain Name Evenness (In Japanese)
2012-06-18 Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2012-06-18 Appointment of JPNIC Board of Trustees (In Japanese)
2012-06-11 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 11th June 2012
2012-06-04 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 4th June 2012
2012-06-01 Revised "the JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy" Published (In Japanese)
2012-05-28 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 28th May 2012
2012-05-24 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 24th May 2012
2012-05-23 Call for Public Comments on Security of JP Domain Name Evenness (In Japanese)
2012-05-22 About JPNIC 47th General Members Meeting on 2012-06-15 (In Japanese)
2012-05-15 Notice about APNIC Member and Stakeholder Survey 2012 (In Japanese)
2012-05-14 Presentation Materials on JPNIC 46th General Members Meeting Published (In Japanese)
2012-05-14 Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2012-05-07 The 22nd JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 19 Jun 2012 (In Japanese)
2012-05-01 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 1st May 2012
2012-04-26 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 26th Apr 2012
2012-04-23 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 23rd Apr 2012
2012-04-17 The 33rd ICANN Reporting Session - 8th May 2012 (In Japanese)
2012-04-11 Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2012-04-02 Revised "Rules for the JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy" Now Active (In Japanese)
2012-03-27 JPNIC 46th General Members Meeting Materials Published (In Japanese)
2012-03-26 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 26th Mar 2012
2012-03-22 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 22nd Mar 2012
2012-03-16 Revised JPNIC Document on IP Address Service Now Active --- Revision of IPv6 Address Policy Document for Subsequent LIR Delegation Criteria (In Japanese)
2012-03-14 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 14th Mar 2012
2012-03-14 Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2012-03-08 The 32nd ICANN Reporting Session Materials Published (In Japanese)
2012-03-08 Internet Week 2011 Materials Published (In Japanese)
2012-03-06 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 6th Mar 2012
2012-03-02 Akinori Maemura in JPNIC Re-elected as APNIC EC (In Japanese)
2012-03-01 Revision of the "Rules for the JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy" (In Japanese)
2012-03-01 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 1st Mar 2012
2012-02-23 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 23rd Feb 2012
2012-02-21 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 21st Feb 2012
2012-02-17 Revised JPNIC Document Draft for IP Address Service Published --- Revision of IPv6 Address Policy Document for Subsequent LIR Delegation Criteria (In Japanese)
2012-02-14 About JPNIC 46th General Members Meeting on 2012-03-09 (In Japanese)
2012-02-10 Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2012-02-08 Update Graph on Statics of IP (In Japanese)
2012-02-01 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 1st Feb 2012
2012-01-17 Exhibition Materials on JPNIC 45th General Members Meeting Published (In Japanese)
2012-01-16 Statistics on IP Addresses, AS Numbers, and IRR Services Managed by JPNIC
2012-01-10 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 10th Jan 2012
2012-01-05 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 5th Jan 2012


2011-12-20 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 20th Dec 2011
2011-12-13 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2011-12-06 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 6th Dec 2011
2011-12-05 JPNIC offers IPv6 testbed for everyone (In Japanese)
2011-11-21 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 21st Nov 2011
2011-11-16 About JPNIC 45th general members meeting on 2011-12-16 (In Japanese)
2011-11-15 The 32nd ICANN reporting session - 29 Nov 2011 (In Japanese)
2011-11-15 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2011-11-08 The 21st JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 28 Nov 2011 (In Japanese)
2011-11-01 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 1st Nov 2011
2011-11-01 Revised JPNIC Documents on IP address Service now active --- Changes in documents for the revision of the Fee Schedule --- (In Japanese)
2011-10-31 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 31st Oct 2011
2011-10-17 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2011-10-11 IPv4 Transfer Log Updated, 11th Oct 2011
2011-10-03 Revised JPNIC Documents on IP address Servicen now active --- Changes in documents for the revision of the Fee Schedule --- (In Japanese)
2011-09-27 Internet Week 2011 Program open (In Japanese)
2011-09-13 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2011-09-07 Changes in Documents by the Revision of the Fee Schedule --- For historical portable assignment holders and ASN holders --- (In Japanese)
2011-09-01 Draft of Revised JPNIC Documents on IP address Service Published --- Changes in documents for the revision of the Fee Schedule --- (In Japanese)
2011-08-30 Call for BoF Internet Week 2011 (In Japanese)
2011-08-11 Internet Week 2011 in Tokyo (In Japanese)
2011-08-11 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2011-08-01 Applications open for IPv4 transfer requests in JPNIC (In Japanese)
2011-08-01 Revised JPNIC Document Drafts for IP address Service now active --- Documents for Implementation of IPv4 Transfer Mechanism --- (In Japanese)
2011-07-22 The 31st ICANN reporting session - 4 Aug 2011 (In Japanese)
2011-07-19 Registration open for IPv6 Hans on seminar (In Japanese)
2011-07-15 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2011-07-05 Seminar: DNSSEC Practices in Organization - Tomofumi Okubo's view in ICANN - (In Japanese)
2011-07-01 Revised JPNIC Document Draft for IP address Service Published
--- New Document on IPv4 Tranfer Procedure Published for Implementation of IPv4 Transfer Mechanism --- (In Japanese)
2011-06-14 Revised JPNIC Document Draft for IP address Service Published
--- Revision of IPv4 Address Policy Document for Implementation of IPv4 Transfer Mechanism --- (In Japanese)
2011-06-09 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2011-05-27 Public Comments Published for IPv4 Address Transfer Mechanism in JPNIC (In Japanese)
2011-05-25 About JPNIC 44th general members meeting on 2011-06-16 (In Japanese)
2011-05-18 The 20th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 6 July 2011 (In Japanese)
2011-05-11 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2011-04-29 Revised JPNIC documents for IP address services now active (In Japanese)
2011-04-15 Exhaustion of APNIC's IPv4 Address Pool and Post-Exhaustion Address Management Policy in JPNIC (In Japanese)
2011-04-13 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2011-04-11 Call for Public Comments on JPNIC's IPv4 Transfer Mechanism (In Japanese)
2011-04-11 The 30th ICANN reporting session - 10 May 2011 (In Japanese)
2011-04-04 About JPNIC 43rd general members meeting on 2011-03-11 (In Japanese)
2011-04-01 Re: Registration open for 28th IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) meeting (In Japanese)
2011-03-29 Documentation and procedure for IPv4 address distribution from the final /8 block in the APNIC region (In Japanese)
2011-03-18 JPNIC's IPv4 exhaustion management plan to distribute remaining IPv4 address space (In Japanese)
2011-03-15 Request for electricity saving: Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake (In Japanese)
2011-03-14 Interruption of JPNIC 43rd general members meeting by Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake, and our business continuity plan in fiscal year 2011 (In Japanese)
2011-03-14 Influence to IP address management service by Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake (In Japanese)
2011-03-11 Registration open for 28th IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) meeting (In Japanese)
2011-03-08 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2011-02-16 Change of APNIC's IPv4 application handling procedures, while JPNIC's remain unchanged at this moment (In Japanese)
2011-02-14 JPNIC 43rd general members meeting on 11th March 2011 (In Japanese)
2011-02-04 IANA's free pool of IPv4 address space depleted, and JPNIC's action hereafter (In Japanese)
2011-02-04 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2011-02-03 [IANA IPv4 Exhaustion] Japanese simultaneous streaming offer on Ceremony and Press Conference (In Japanese)
2011-02-01 [IANA IPv4 Exhaustion] Ceremony and Press Conference of NRO/ICANN/ISOC/IAB, 3 February 2011 (In Japanese)
2011-02-01 [News Flash: IANA IPv4 Exhaustion] Last two /8 blocks allocated from IANA to APNIC (In Japanese)
2011-01-24 Request for reply and confirmation on intention for the use of legacy address space and AS numbers. (In Japanese)
2011-01-12 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2011-01-06 The 29th ICANN reporting session - 27 January 2011 (In Japanese)


2010-12-15 About APNIC EC statement on IPv4 projections (Japanese only)
2010-12-13 About postponing the revision of Fee Schedule on IP Address (Japanese only)
2010-12-08 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2010-12-02 19th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting program published (Japanese only)
2010-12-01 Revised JPNIC documents for IP address services now active (Japanese only)
2010-12-01 Remaining IPv4 Address Space only two /8 blocks (Japanese only)
2010-11-15 JPNIC 42nd general members meeting on 10th December 2010 (Japanese only)
2010-11-10 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2010-11-01 Announcement on revised JPNIC documents for IP address services (Japanese only)
2010-10-20 Registration open for 27th IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) meeting (Japanese only)
2010-10-18 Remaining IPv4 Address Space Drops Below 5% (Japanese only)
2010-10-13 Japan Internet Domain Name Council (JIDNC) announces the qualification result for the registry of Japanese IDN ccTLD (Japanese only)
2010-10-08 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2010-09-29 Internet Week 2010 program open (Japanese only)
2010-09-21 Registration open for 27th IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) meeting (Japanese only)
2010-09-09 Call for BoF Internet Week 2010 (Japanese only)
2010-09-07 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2010-09-03 Internet Week 2010 in Tokyo (Japanese only)
2010-08-11 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2010-07-26 Distribution method of IPv6 address simplified (Japanese only)
2010-07-26 Annoucement on activation of revised JPNIC documents for IP Address Management and policy implementation (Japanese only)
2010-07-20 The 28th ICANN reporting session - 5 August 2010 (Japanese only)
2010-07-08 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2010-06-24 Presentation slides of 18th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting published (Japanese only)
2010-06-24 Regarding the agenda of 41st JPNIC members meeting "Review of fees on IP address and other services" (Japanese only)
2010-06-21 Appointment of JPNIC Board of Trustees
2010-06-15 18th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting program published (Japanese only)
2010-06-09 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2010-05-21 JPNIC 41st general members meeting on 18th June 2010 (Japanese only)
2010-05-17 The 18th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 29 June 2010 (Japanese only)
2010-05-13 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2010-04-30 R.I.P. Mr. Akira Fukuda (Japanese only)
2010-04-26 Registration open for 26th IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) meeting (Japanese only)
2010-04-19 Revised JPNIC documents for IP address services now active (Japanese only)
2010-04-12 The 27th ICANN reporting session - 20 April 2010 (Japanese only)
2010-04-08 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2010-04-01 Termination of joint operation by JPNIC/JPRS and IP related queries in whois.jp services (Japanese only)
2010-03-23 Confirmation on holders of historical ASNs completed (Japanese only)
2010-03-23 Revised presentation slides for 25th IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) Meeting posted on JPNIC website (Japanese only)
2010-03-19 JPNIC changes notation of 4 byte ASN (Japanese only)
2010-03-19 Change in registration of personal name in IP address assignment (Japanese only)
2010-03-19 Announcement on revised JPNIC documents for IP address services (Japanese only)
2010-03-08 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2010-03-05 Akinori Maemura in JPNIC re-elected as APNIC EC (Japanese only)
2010-02-25 Registration open for 25th IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) meeting (Japanese only)
2010-02-19 Depletion of applications by password authentification and e-mail (Japanese only)
2010-02-19 List of ASN assignments to be recovered by JPNIC (Japanese only)
2010-02-09 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2010-01-20 IANA's Free Pool of IPv4 address falls below 10% - JPNIC's allocation policy remains unchanged (Japanese only)
2010-01-14 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2010-01-13 Last briefing session about using digital cerificates for resource services (Japanese only)


2009-12-14 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2009-12-03 The 26th ICANN Reporting Session - 17 December 2009 (Japanese only)
2009-11-12 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2009-11-10 JPNIC 39th general meeting on 4th December 2009 (Japanese only)
2009-11-09 New program on Internet Week 2009:"Pros and Cons of Cloud Technology" (Japanese only)
2009-11-05 17th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting Program Published (Japanese only)
2009-11-04 Briefing session about using digital cerificates for resource services [once more] (Japanese only)
2009-10-30 The list of "AS number holders with invalid POCs" - the diclosure period to end on 30th Oct (Japanese only)
2009-10-23 Regarding the comment by ICANN's President mentioning IANA's last allocation of IPv4 address to be October 2010 (Japanese only)
2009-10-23 The 17th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 26 November 2009 (Japanese only)
2009-10-16 Briefing session about using digital cerificates for resource services (Japanese only)
2009-10-13 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2009-09-30 Internet Week 2009 program open (Japanese only)
2009-09-25 JPNIC joins Japan Internet Domain Name Council (Japanese only)
2009-09-09 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2009-09-04 Briefing session about using digital cerificates for resource services (Japanese only)
2009-09-04 Registration open for 24th IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) meeting (Japanese only)
2009-09-03 Internet Week 2009 in Tokyo (Japanese only)
2009-08-06 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2009-07-31 Call for confirmation about AS numbers without active contacts (Japanese only)
2009-07-27 JPNIC document on digital certificates for resource services now active (Japanese only)
2009-07-17 Promoter group launched for "Japan Internet Domain Name Concil" working on Japan new TLDs (Japanese only)
2009-07-14 Briefing session about using digital cerificates for resource services (Japanese only)
2009-07-10 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2009-07-09 The 25th ICANN Reporting Session - 23 July 2009 (Japanese only)
2009-07-07 JPNIC started clean-up of lame DNS reverse delegations (Japanese only)
2009-06-30 Revised JPNIC document on Policy Development Process now active (Japanese only)
2009-06-23 Briefing session about using digital cerificates for resource services (Japanese only)
2009-06-12 Change in ASN assignment request for four-byte AS number policy (Japanese only)
2009-06-10 16th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting Program Published (Japanese only)
2009-06-10 JPNIC comments in response to U.S. DoC's notice of inquiry on DNS management (Japanese only)
2009-06-08 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2009-06-05 JPNIC responds government's request for comments on introduction of new TLDs (Japanese only)
2009-06-05 Graph of IPv4, IPv6, ASN distribution in Asia Pacific region updated (Japanese Only)
2009-06-05 Graph of IPv4, IPv6, ASN distribution by Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) updated (Japanese Only)
2009-06-05 Graph of IP address statistics updated (Japanese Only)
2009-06-02 The 16th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 1 July 2009 (Japanese only)
2009-06-01 Briefing session about using digital cerificates for resource services (Japanese only)
2009-06-01 JPNIC document update on Policy Development Process (Japanese only)
2009-05-25 JPNIC 38th general meeting on 19th June 2009 (Japanese only)
2009-05-25 JPNIC re-starts clean-up of lame DNS reverse delegations (Japanese only)
2009-05-15 Call for prensentations for 16th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting (Japanese Only)
2009-05-14 Graph of IPv4, IPv6, ASN distribution in Asia Pacific region updated (Japanese Only)
2009-05-14 Graph of IPv4, IPv6, ASN distribution by Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) updated (Japanese Only)
2009-05-14 Graph of IP address statistics updated (Japanese Only)
2009-05-12 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2009-04-16 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2009-03-24 Briefing session about using digital cerificates for resource services (Japanese only)
2009-03-24 Registration open for 23rd IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) meeting (Japanese only)
2009-03-23 The 24th ICANN Reporting Session - 2 April 2009 (Japanese only)
2009-03-13 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2009-03-02 List of historical address space scheduled for recovery published (Japanese only)
2009-02-24 JPNIC 37th general meeting on 19th March 2009 (Japanese only)
2009-02-24 JPIRR and IRR run by Japan Internet Exchange Co., Ltd.(JPIX) starts mirroring (Japanese only)
2009-02-13 SIPit24 - 18-22 May 2009 (Japanese only)
2009-02-10 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2009-02-06 [Call For Participants] International Symposium on Operational, Technological and Research Developments toward New Generation Network
- In memory of Dr. Masaki Hirabaru -
Koganei-Tokyo and Fukuoka, Japan, 27-28 February 2009
2009-01-28 Provisional JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 10 February 2009 (Japanese only)
2009-01-23 Announcement of Addition of Mirroring Sites with JPIRR (Japanese only)
2009-01-20 Mr. Tomohiro Fujisaki re-appointed as NRO NC (Japanese only)
2009-01-15 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC


2008.12.24 Change in Assignment of ASN from Jan 2009 (Japanese only)
2008.12.16 Briefing session about using digital cerificates for resource services (Japanese only)
2008.12.10 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2008.11.18 The 23rd ICANN Reporting Session - 11 December 2008 (Japanese only)
2008.11.17 The 36th JPNIC general meeting - 12 December 2008 (Japanese Only)
2008.11.13 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2008.11.10 The 15th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 27 November 2008 (Japanese only)
2008.10.28 IPv6 access supported in Web-based Resource Management System for LIRs (Japanese only)
2008.10.23 Briefing session about using digital cerificates for resource services (Japanese only)
2008.10.08 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2008.10.01 Internet Week 2008 program opened (Japanese only)
2008.09.29 JPNIC starts issuing digital cerificates for resource services (Japanese only)
2008.09.24 Registration open for 22nd IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) meeting (Japanese only)
2008.09.16 JPNIC Document Update for the change of minimum IPv4 allocation size (Japanese only)
2008.09.09 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2008.09.01 TWNIC, IPv6 Promotion Council and JPNIC signed an MoU on mutual co-operation
2008.08.29 About launching applicant authentication using digital certificates in IP address management (Japanese only)
2008.08.28 Internet Week 2008 in Tokyo (Japanese only)
2008.08.25 RFP for Data Escrow Agent for the JP Domain Name Registry (Japanese only)
2008.08.15 JPNIC document update on "JPNIC IPv6 address allocation and assignment policy" (Japanese only)
2008.08.13 Temporary suspension of JPNIC operational response to lame DNS reverse delegations (Japanese only)
2008.08.08 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2008.08.04 Provisional JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 18 August 2008 (Japanese only)
2008.08.01 Dr. Masaki Hirabaru, the Founder of JNIC, which is the predecessor of JPNIC, passed away at age 48 (Japanese only)
2008.07.15 Annoucement about JPNIC document update on policy changes (Japanese only)
2008.07.09 Briefing session about using X.509 certificates for LIR in IP address services (Japanese only)
2008.07.09 The 22nd ICANN Reporting Session - 24 July 2008 (Japanese only)
2008.07.08 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2008.06.30 The 14th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 17 July 2008 (Japanese only)
2008.06.30 KRNIC of NIDA and JPNIC signed an MoU on mutual co-operation
2008.06.23 Appointment of JPNIC Board of Trustees
2008.06.12 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2008.06.10 Presentation of the list of "Historical IPv4 address holders with invalid POCs" ended (Japanese only)
2008.05.21 The 35th JPNIC general meeting - 20 June 2008 (Japanese Only)
2008.05.21 JPNIC started experiment on notifying route hijacks (Japanese Only)
2008.05.21 Annoucement about JPNIC document update on JPIRR and resource services (Japanese Only)
2008.05.12 Mr.Tomohiro FUJISAKI appointed as NRO NC (Japanese Only)
2008.05.12 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2008.04.30 JPNIC Board of Trustees expresses concern about "Legislation of restriction to youth's Internet use" by several diet members (Japanese Only)
2008.04.22 Call for correct configuration of reverse DNS (Japanese Only)
2008.04.17 Annoucement about JPNIC document update on JPIRR service (Japanese Only)
2008.04.17 JPNIC starts experiment on notifying route hijacks (Japanese Only)
2008.04.04 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2008.03.25 Registration open for 21st IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) meeting (Japanese only)
2008.03.21 Annoucement about JPNIC document update on resource services (Japanese only)
2008.03.11 List of "Historical IPv4 address holders with invalid POCs" published (Japanese only)
2008.03.11 The 21st ICANN Reporting Session - 28 March 2008 (Japanese only)
2008.03.10 Annoucement about JPNIC document update on resource services (Japanese only)
2008.03.05 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2008.03.04 Cumulative Number of Registered .JP Domain Names Exceeds 1,000,000 (Japanese only)
2008.03.03 JPNIC system maintainance for March 2008 on Registry Management System and JPIRR System (Japanese only)
2008.02.29 Akinori Maemura in JPNIC re-elected as APNIC EC (Japanese only)
2008.02.20 The 34th JPNIC general meeting - 21 March 2008 (Japanese only)
2008.02.20 Call for confirmation about historical address space without active contacts (Japanese only)
2008.02.08 JPNIC started IPv6 portable assignment service for small multi-homed networks (Japanese only)
2008.02.08 Annoucement about JPNIC document update on resource services (Japanese only)
2008.02.04 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2008.01.09 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC


2007.12.17 Toshiyuki Hosaka in JPNIC re-elected as NRO NC (Japanese only)
2007.12.07 Research paper "Study Report on the IPv4 Address Space Exhaustion Issue (Phase I)" published (Japanese only)
2007.12.06 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2007.12.03 JPNIC starts Service trial on authorization mechanism in JPIRR Service (Japanese only)
2007.11.14 The 33rd JPNIC general meeting - 7 December 2007 (Japanese only)
2007.11.09 The 20th ICANN Reporting Session - 27 November 2007 (Japanese only)
2007.11.05 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2007.10.04 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC
2007.09.28 Registration open for 20th IP Address Management Agents (LIRs) meeting (Japanese only)
2007.09.25 Internet Week 2007 program opened (Japanese only)
2007.09.21 maintenance on October 2007 (Japanese only)
2007.08.28 Internet Week 2007 in Tokyo (Japanese only)
2007.07.31 Number of Registered Maintainer Objects in JPIRR Service Tops 100 (Japanese only)
2007.07.05 The 19th ICANN Reporting Session - 17 July 2007 (Japanese only)
2007.07.02 About IPv4 address exhaustion in Internet Registries
2007.07.02 The 12th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 17 July 2007 (Japanese only)
2007.06.15 Formal statement on IPv4 address inventory depletion in Internet Registries issued (Japanese only, PDF 267KB)
2007.06.01 Revision of the "JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (JP-DRP) and the "Rules for the JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy" (Japanese only)
2007.05.21 The 32nd JPNIC general meeting - 15 June 2007 (Japanese only)
2007.05.10 Dr. Hiroshi Esaki (Vice President of JPNIC) elected ISOC Board of Trustees (Japanese only)
2007.04.06 The 18th ICANN Reporting Session - 25 April 2007 (Japanese only)
2007.03.26 Notice of Support of IPv6 by Web Service and WHOIS Service (Japanese only)
2007.03.14 LIR Update Meeting in Tokyo, Osaka and Fukuoka - 16-19 April 2007 (Japanese only)
2007.03.07 JPNIC starts 4-byte AS number assignment service (Japanese only)
2007.03.07 Notice of Implementation of JPNIC Documents Relating to IP Address Management Work (Japanese only)
2007.02.08 Announcement of Revision of Documents in Conjunction with Changes to Policy Drafting Process (Japanese only)
2007.02.08 Announcement of Commencement of Allocation of 4-byte AS Numbers (Japanese only)
2007.02.05 Started Registration of JPNIC-JPCERT/CC Security Seminar 2007 (Japanese only)
2007.01.29 The 31st JPNIC general meeting - 9 March 2007 (Japanese only)
2007.01.12 Statistics on IP addresses, AS numbers, and IRR services managed by JPNIC(2006.1-12)


2006.12.22 Toshiyuki Hosaka elected NRO Number Council (Japanese only)
2006.12.21 The 17th ICANN Reporting Session - 17 January 2007 (Japanese only)
2006.11.13 Announcement of Introductory Event on Rule-making for IP Addresses (Japanese only)
2006.11.06 IP Meeting 2006 in Yokohama (Japanese only)
2006.10.26 The 11th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 7 December 2006 (Japanese only)
2006.10.23 The 30th JPNIC general meeting - 24 November 2006 (Japanese only)
2006.10.12 Announcement of JPNIC Open Policy Meeting Showcase (Japanese only)
2006.10.06 Announcement of Addition of Mirroring Sites with JPIRR (Japanese only)
2006.09.22 LIR Update Meeting - 23 October 2006 (Japanese only)
2006.09.12 Announcement of Symposium: "Governance of Domain Name Disputes ? Status and Issues Facing JP-DRP" (Japanese only)
2006.09.04 Internet Week 2006 in Yokohama (Japanese only)
2006.08.22 JPNIC Employment Opportunities (Japanese only)
2006.08.18 Announcement of Addition of Mirroring Sites with JPIRR (Japanese only)
2006.08.01 Officially launched the JPIRR service (Japanese only)
2006.07.31 Report on "Analysis and Recommendations on the Exhaustion of IPv4 Address Space"
2006.07.07 Announcement of Invitation to Submit Proposals on Construction of Systems for "Routing Information Registry" (Japanese only)
2006.07.07 The 16th ICANN Reporting Session - 19 July 2006 (Japanese only)
2006.06.30 Officially launched the JPIRR service (Japanese only)
2006.06.27 Announcement of Decision of JPNIC Open Policy Meeting Program (Japanese only)
2006.06.12 Notice of Discontinuation of Reverse Lookup Zone in ip6.int (Japanese only)
2006.05.29 Discontinuation of Use of 6bone Addresses (3FFE::/16) (Japanese only)
2006.05.22 The 29th JPNIC general meeting - 16 June 2006 (Japanese only)
2006.05.15 Announcement of Presentation on 2nd Authentication Strengthening Trial Using Digital Certificates (Japanese only)
2006.05.12 The 10th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 7 July 2006 (Japanese only)
2006.04.12 The 15th ICANN Reporting Session - 25 April 2006 (Japanese only)
2006.04.05 JPNIC Employment Opportunities (Japanese only)
2006.04.04 The 17th LIR Update Meeting - 24 April 2006 (Japanese only)
2006.03.29 Announcement of "IETF Forum Japan" (Japanese only)
2006.03.20 Akinori Maemura (Board member of JPNIC) elected Chair of APNIC Trustees (Japanese only)
2006.03.03 Akinori Maemura (Board member of JPNIC) re-elected APNIC Trustees (Japanese only)
2006.02.07 Started SIPit18 Registration
2006.01.31 The 28th JPNIC general meeting - 3 March 2006 (Japanese only)
2006.01.31 Started route6 object registration in the JPIRR test service (Japanese only)
2006.01.24 Implemented partial reduction of IPv6 allocation fee (Japanese only)
2006.01.18 Launched Japan ENUM Trial on country code 81
2006.01.11 Notice of Revision of JPNIC Policy Documents (Japanese only)
2006.01.05 The 14th ICANN Reporting Session and the 4th IGTF Reporting Session - 26 January 2006 (Japanese only)


2005.12.28 Regular briefing for IP Address Management Agents (Japanese only)
2005.12.22 Notice of Addition of Targets in Survey of Lame Delegation in Reverse Lookup Name Servers (Japanese only)
2005.12.19 Notice: partial reduction of IPv6 allocation fee (Japanese only)
2005.12.15 Report on "2nd Interoperability Validation Trial of Between Differing Providers" (Japanese only)
2005.12.14 JPNIC Employment Opportunities (Japanese only)
2005.10.25 The 27th JPNIC general meeting - 24 November 2005 (Japanese only)
2005.10.21 Regular briefing for IP Address Management Agents (Japanese only)
2005.09.30 The 16th LIR Update Meeting - 20 October 2005 (Japanese only)
2005.09.16 Started Registration of JPNIC-JPCERT/CC Security Seminar 2005 in Osaka, Sapporo (incident handling) (Japanese only)
2005.08.31 Started Registration of JPNIC-JPCERT/CC Security Seminar 2005 (server application security) (Japanese only)
2005.08.22 Announcement of Invitation to Participate in Authentication Strengthening Trial Using Digital Certificates (Japanese only)
2005.08.17 Regular briefing for IP Address Management Agents (Japanese only)
2005.08.12 Internet Week 2005 in Yokohama (Japanese only)
2005.08.01 JPNIC Employment Opportunities (Japanese only)
2005.07.21 The 13th ICANN Reporting Session and the 3rd IGTF Reporting Session - 8 August 2005 (Japanese only)
2005.07.15 Notice of Commencement of Provision of Access to Results of Survey on Lame Delegation in Reverse Lookup Name Servers (Japanese only)
2005.06.03 Introduction to Interoperability Validation Trial Demonstration at NETWORLD+INTEROP TOKYO 2005 (Japanese only)
2005.05.24 The 26th JPNIC general meeting - 17 June 2005 (Japanese only)
2005.05.23 The 8th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 7 July 2005 (Japanese only)
2005.05.16 Localized IPv6 address resource service (Japanese only)
2005.05.16 Notice of Expansion of IPv6 Address-related Service (Japanese only)
2005.04.28 The 12th ICANN Reporting Session and the 2nd IGTF Reporting Session - 18 May 2005 (Japanese only)
2005.04.13 Hostmaster Consultation Session (Japanese only)
2005.04.11 Notice of Publication of JPNIC Documents in Conjunction With Expansion of IPv6 Address Service (Japanese only)
2005.04.01 Notice of Implementation of Documents Relating to IP Address Management Work (Japanese only)
2005.03.31 Recovery of Unused Address Space by APNIC (Japanese only)
2005.03.29 Strengthening of Authentication of Registered Information Relating to Historical Provider-independent Addresses and AS Numbers (Japanese only)
2005.03.23 Regular briefing for IP Address Management Agents (Japanese only)
2005.03.23 Change of DNS Server Configuration for Reverse lookup
2005.03.18 Changes in WHOIS query service in Japan
2005.03.17 Changes to Contact Person Information Registration Form in Case of Application by E-mail (Japanese only)
2005.03.07 Changes to Application Procedures in Conjunction with Release of Phase 2 IP Address Registry System (Japanese only)
2005.02.23 Expansion of IPv6 Address Service (Japanese only)
2005.02.22 Documents Scheduled for Publication from March 22 and April 1, 2005 Onwards (Japanese only)
2005.02.15 IGTF-J submitted its comments to WGIG (Japanese only)
2005.02.03 The 25th JPNIC general meeting - 3 March 2005 (Japanese only)
2005.02.03 Regular briefing for IP Address Management Agents (Japanese only)
2005.02.01 Documents Scheduled for Publication from April 1, 2005 Onwards (Japanese only)
2005.01.27 Change of Payment Deadline for IP Address Maintenance Fees and Choice of Payment Method (Japanese only)
2005.01.06 The 11th ICANN Reporting Session - 26 January 2005 (Japanese only)


2004.12.28 Announcement of Changes to "Important Reminders in Conjunction with Implementation of New Registry System" (Japanese only)
2004.12.28 LIR Update Meeting - 24 January 2005 (Japanese only)
2004.12.13 Started APRICOT 2005 Registration (Japanese only)
2004.12.13 JPNIC Starts Contacting Allocating Organizations for Historical Provider-independent Addresses (Japanese only)
2004.12.01 Japanese organizations established the "VoIP System Interoperability Task Force"
2004.11.29 Invitation to Submit Requests Relating to Functions to Replace Designated Provider WHOIS (Japanese only)
2004.11.29 Inconsistencies in Address Notation in WHOIS Database (Japanese only)
2004.11.26 Regular briefing for IP Address Management Agents (Japanese only)
2004.11.26 Hostmaster Consultation Session (Japanese only)
2004.11.17 DNS DAY in Yokohama (Japanese only)
2004.11.17 IP Meeting 2004 in Yokohama (Japanese only)
2004.11.15 Publication Date of Documents Originally Scheduled for Publication from October 15, 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.11.05 Regular briefing for IP Address Management Agents (Japanese only)
2004.10.29 Changes to Application Procedures in Conjunction With Transfer to New IP Registry System (Japanese only)
2004.10.27 The 24th JPNIC general meeting - 25 November 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.10.22 The 7th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 1 December 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.10.15 JPNIC Documents Scheduled for Publication from November 15, 2004 Onwards (Japanese only)
2004.10.15 Application of Policies Based on Consensus Achieved at JPNIC Open Policy Forum (Japanese only)
2004.10.07 Non-disclosure of Allocation Information in APNIC WHOIS Database (Japanese only)
2004.09.13 Report on Responses to Proposals to 18th APNIC Open Policy Meeting (Japanese only)
2004.09.13 IGTF-J Submits Contribution to UN Consultations on WGIG
2004.09.07 Hostmaster Consultation Session (Japanese only)
2004.09.07 The 14th LIR Update Meeting - 7 October 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.08.18 IP address fee structure revised (Japanese only)
2004.08.18 The 10th ICANN Reporting Session - 9 September 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.08.13 Partial Revision of APNIC IPv6 Address Policy Document (Japanese only)
2004.08.09 Internet Week 2004 in Yokohama (Japanese only)
2004.07.21 Started Registration of JPNIC-JPCERT/CC Security Seminar 2005 (server application security) (Japanese only)
2004.07.06 JPNIC Employment Opportunities (Japanese only)
2004.07.05 Announcement of Invitation to Submit Proposals on Construction of Systems for IP Address Authentication Bureau (Japanese only)
2004.07.02 Hostmaster Consultation Session (Japanese only)
2004.06.22 Revision of Charges for IP Address Business (Japanese only)
2004.06.21 APRICOT 2005 in Kyoto - 18-25 February (Japanese only)
2004.05.24 Report on Responses to Comments and Reflection of Opinions Expressed With Regard to Review of IP Address Business Charges (Japanese only)
2004.05.24 Notice of Termination of Period of Concurrent Use of Old and New Forms in Conjunction with Commencement of Password Authentication (Japanese only)
2004.05.21 Applicability of Consensuses Achieved at 17th APNIC Open Policy Meeting to APNIC Policy (Japanese only)
2004.05.21 Notice of Clarification of Methods of Notation, etc. on Application Form (Japanese only)
2004.05.20 The 23rd JPNIC general meeting - 18 June 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.05.12 Hostmaster Consultation Session (Japanese only)
2004.04.20 The 18th meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 20 May 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.04.19 Notice of Commencement of Password Authentication (Japanese only)
2004.04.19 Notice of Implementation of Documents (Japanese only)
2004.04.15 Announcement of Publication of Documentation of 13th IP Address Management Designated Provider Liaison Committee ? Deliberations on Review of Charges for IP Business (Japanese only)
2004.04.15 Guide of the 1st debriefing meeting of ENUM Trial Japan (Japanese only)
2004.04.12 Domain Name Policy Study Group Meeting 3 (Japanese only)
2004.04.08 The 6th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 8 July 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.03.31 The 9th ICANN Reporting Session - 14 April 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.03.30 Hostmaster Consultation Session (Japanese only)
2004.03.30 The 13th LIR Update Meeting - 19 April 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.03.19 Launched provider independent address assignment service (Japanese only)
2004.03.18 Next Generation Task Force Meeting 7 (Japanese only)
2004.03.17 Seminar for .JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution 3 (Japanese only)
2004.03.04 The 12th LIR Update Meeting - 22 March 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.02.23 Invitation to Comment on Review of IP Address Business Charges and Announcement of Publication of Documentation and Minutes of IP Address Management Designated Provider Liaison Committee (Japanese only)
2004.02.16 The 17th meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 11 March 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.02.09 Implementation of "JPNIC Address Space Management Policy" (Japanese only)
2004.02.09 Introduction to Proposals Put Forward for 17th APNIC Open Policy Meeting (Japanese only)
2004.02.03 The 11th LIR Update Meeting in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya - 17-18 October 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.01.26 Announcement of Recruitment of Data Escrow Agent for the JP Domain Name Registry (Japanese only)
2004.01.19 Announcement of "Debriefing Session on Internet Governance Issues at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)" (Japanese only)
2004.01.19 Seminar for .JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution 2 (Japanese only)
2004.01.16 The 22nd JPNIC general meeting - 13 February 2004 (Japanese only)
2004.01.16 Notice of Publication of Documents (Japanese only)
2004.01.09 Revision of "JPNIC Address Space Management Policy" (Japanese only)
2004.01.08 Announcement of Establishment of Mailing List for Exchange of Views on the Next Generation IP Registry System Function Conditions (Japanese only)


2003.12.15 The 16th meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 15 January 2004 (Japanese only)
2003.12.01 Released The Report of the ENUM Study Group in English (PDF, 415KB)
2003.12.01 Announcement of "BoF on Ways to Make the Internet More Fun and Enjoyable" (Japanese only)
2003.11.28 JPIRR BoF 2 (Japanese only)
2003.11.28 The 10th LIR Update Meeting - 5 December 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.11.11 The 8th ICANN Reporting Session - 26 November 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.11.10 Seminar for .JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution 1 (Japanese only)
2003.11.07 Next Generation Task Force Meeting 6 (Japanese only)
2003.10.31 The 5th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 5 December 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.10.31 The 10th LIR Update Meeting - 5 December 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.10.24 The 21st JPNIC general meeting - 27 November 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.10.14 The 15th meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 13 November 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.10.02 Domain Name Policy Study Group Meeting 2 (Japanese only)
2003.10.01 Hostmaster Consultation Session (Japanese only)
2003.09.16 The 9th LIR Update Meeting - 14 October 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.09.12 Termination of Some Functions Provided via WHOIS (Japanese only)
2003.09.10 Inauguration of "ENUM Trial Japan," the secretariat of which was jointly supported by JPNIC and JPRS (Japanese only)
2003.09.01 Submission of Opinions Regarding "Creation of an Integrated Systemic Infrastructure for ADR" (Japanese only)
2003.08.14 Allocation From the APNIC Address Pool (Japanese only)
2003.08.11 The 14th meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 11 September 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.08.04 Internet Week 2003 in Yokohama (Japanese only)
2003.07.31 Format of E-mail Addresses and Name Server Host Names That Can be Registered on the JPNIC Database (Japanese only)
2003.07.23 Next Generation Task Force Meeting 5 (Japanese only)
2003.07.15 Implementation of Change to Voluntary Registration for Some Items of "AS Number Allocation Information" (Japanese only)
2003.07.08 The 7th ICANN Reporting Session - 22 July 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.07.01 LIR Update Meeting - 31July 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.06.30 Notice of Completion of Field Trials of Japanese-language Domain Names (Phase 2) (Japanese only)
2003.06.23 The 13th meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 3 July 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.06.23 JPNIC Employment Opportunities (Japanese only)
2003.06.18 JPIRR BoF 1 (Japanese only)
2003.06.13 IDN Policy Study Group Meeting (Japanese only)
2003.06.12 Change to Voluntary Registration for Some Items of "AS Number Allocation Information" (Japanese only)
2003.06.12 Started Registration of JPNIC-JPCERT/CC Security Seminar 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.06.10 Next Generation Task Force Meeting 4 (Japanese only)
2003.05.23 Released The Report of the ENUM Study Group in Japanese (Japanese only)
2003.05.19 The 4th JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 8 July 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.05.13 The 20th JPNIC general meeting - 13 June 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.04.21 Next Generation Task Force Meeting 3 (Japanese only)
2003.04.17 Japanese Domain Names Association Meeting (Japanese only)
2003.04.15 Akinori Maemura (Board member of JPNIC) elected Chair of APNIC Trustees (Japanese only)
2003.04.14 Announcement of Lecture on Trademarks and Domain Names (Japanese only)
2003.04.11 The 6th ICANN Reporting Session - 30 April 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.04.04 Hostmaster Consultation Session (Japanese only)
2003.04.01 Announcement of Changes to JPNIC Website Top Page (Japanese only)
2003.03.24 Hostmaster Consultation Session (Japanese only)
2003.03.24 LIR Update Meeting - 22 April 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.03.19 Distribution of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit Ver1.0 relese started. (Japanese only)
2003.02.10 The 19th JPNIC general meeting - 7 March 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.01.30 The 11th meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 13 February 2003 (Japanese only)
2003.01.29 Next Generation Task Force Meeting 2 (Japanese only)
2003.01.20 Publication of Internet Week 2002 tutorial presentations (Japanese only)
2003.01.20 Invitation to Participate in "3rd Asia-Pacific Next Generation Camp (APNG Camp)" and Participant Support Program Operated by JPNIC (Japanese only)
2003.01.15 Notice of IP Address Transfer Under ARIN Management (Japanese only)
2003.01.15 Announcement of Lecture by Paul Vixie (Japanese only)
2003.01.06 The 15th APNIC Open Policy Meeting in Taipei - 24-28 February 2003 (Japanese only)


2002.12.16 Announcement of 3rd APNG Camp Orientation and 1st ng-tf Study Group (Japanese only)
2002.12.13 "Next Generation Task Forse" created (Japanese only)
2002.12.13 Other Changes in Conjunction with Allocation from APNIC Address Pool (Japanese only)
2002.12.06 Distribution of Internationalized Domain Name tool Kit (idnkit) version 1.0 Preview Release 2 is started.
2002.11.22 Changes in Conjunction with Allocation from APNIC Address Pool (Japanese only)
2002.11.13 The 10th meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 12 December 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.11.11 The 5th ICANN Reporting Session - 21 November 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.10.08 The 3rd JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 16 December 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.09.27 Kazunori Konishi (Board member of JPNIC) elected the MINC Board of Trustees (Japanese only)
2002.09.27 Distribution of Internationalized Domain Name tool Kit (idnkit) version 1.0 Preview Release 1 is started.
2002.09.24 LIR Update Meeting - 2 October 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.09.20 The 18th JPNIC general meeting - 18 October 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.09.13 Latest Trends/Outlook for Japanese-language Domain Names/Internationalized Domain Names (Japanese only)
2002.09.12 The 9th meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 9 October 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.09.10 Takashi Arano elected ASO AC (Japanese only)
2002.08.30 Announcement of Cessation of Development of New IP Registry System (Japanese only)
2002.08.19 Internet Week 2002 in Yokohama (Japanese only)
2002.08.15 Handover of Allocation to APNIC Service Provided Under New IPv6 Policy (Japanese only)
2002.08.14 Invitation to Participate in "2nd Asia-Pacific Next Generation Camp (APNG Camp)" and Participant Support Program Operated by JPNIC (Japanese only)
2002.07.26 The 4th ICANN Reporting Session - 8 August 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.07.25 Amendments to Method of Notation Used on "Verification of Initial Allocation Conditions" Form (Japanese only)
2002.07.19 The 8th meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 8 August 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.07.15 Change to URL of Web Page Relating to IP Addresses (Japanese only)
2002.07.05 Notice of Release of Patch Supporting Mozilla-1.0 Internationalized Domain Names (Japanese only)
2002.07.02 The 14th APNIC Open Policy Meeting in Kita-kyuusyu- 3-6 September 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.07.01 New IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy implemented (Japanese only)
2002.06.14 Launch of Official AS Number Service / Publication of Revised Documents in Conjunction with Implementation of Changes to Allocation Conditions (Japanese only)
2002.06.07 The 7th meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 12 June 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.06.03 Awarded MPHPT Minister's Award for "Info-Commuications Promotion Month 2002" (Japanese only)
2002.06.03 Notes on Requests Relating to Policy on Establishment of New Attributes Among Attribute-type and Geographical JP Domain Names (Japanese only)
2002.05.28 JPNIC Employment Opportunities (Japanese only)
2002.05.24 Notice of Changes to IP Address-related Application Work, etc. (Japanese only)
2002.05.23 Notice of Postponement of Commissioning of New IP Registry System and Launch of Postponed Service (Japanese only)
2002.05.15 Release of Patch Supporting Mozilla Internationalized Document Names (Japanese only)
2002.04.30 The 17th JPNIC general meeting - 23 May 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.04.29 JPNIC and JPRS Submit Comments on ICANN Reform
2002.04.26 Postponement of Effective Date of IP Address-related Documents (Japanese only)
2002.04.25 Distribution of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit version 2.4 release started.
2002.04.25 Announcement of Postponement of Launch of New IP Registry System (Japanese only)
2002.04.23 Revision of Documents Relating to Disclosure by JPNIC (Japanese only)
2002.04.16 The 2nd JPNIC Open Policy Meeting - 9 July 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.04.16 The 3rd ICANN Reporting Session - 24 April 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.04.15 Nominations (Representatives of General Business Corporations) to JP Domain Name Advisory Committee to be Established Within JPRS (Japanese only)
2002.04.15 Announcement of Lecture by Japanese Domain Names Association (Japanese only)
2002.04.08 Important Reminders in Conjunction with Transfer to New IP Registry System (Japanese only)
2002.04.01 Database Application Contact and Documents from April 1 Onwards (Japanese only)
2002.04.01 Requests Relating to JP Domain Name Registration Management Policy Expressed by JPNIC to JPRS (Japanese only)
2002.04.01 AD Domain Name (AD.JP) Registration Management (Japanese only)
2002.04.01 JP domain name registration and management services transferred to JPRS (Japanese only)
2002.03.29 JPNIC and JPRS execute Data Escrow Agreement (Japanese only)
2002.03.29 JPNIC Concludes Agreements with JPRS and Japan Intellectual Property Arbitration Center Regarding JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution (Japanese only)
2002.03.28 Renewal of JPNIC Website (Japanese only)
2002.03.20 14th APNIC Open Policy Meeting to be Held in Japan (Japanese only)
2002.03.20 Nominations for JP Domain Name Advisory Committee to be Established Within JPRS (Japanese only)
2002.03.19 The 6th meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 11 April 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.03.12 Akinori Maemura elected APNIC EC (Japanese only)
2002.03.08 Revision of Registration Rules for Attribute-type (Organization-type) and Geographical JP Domain Names (Japanese only)
2002.03.07 Publication of Revised IP Published Documents (Japanese only)
2002.03.07 Your Comments on Revised IP Published Documents and Results of Deliberations (Japanese only)
2002.03.07 Yumi Ohashi appointed as the APTLD Board Director (Japanese only)
2002.03.07 Announcement of Launch of Official AS Number Service (Japanese only)
2002.03.04 Notice of Termination of Acceptance of Direct Applications for Attribute-type (Organization-type) and Geographical JP Domain Names (Japanese only)
2002.03.04 Outline of Recruitment of Contractor to Operate IP Registry System (Japanese only)
2002.02.28 JPRS and ICANN Conclude .JP ccTLD Sponsorship Agreement
2002.02.28 Results of Deliberations of JPRS Regarding Advisory Committee to be Established Within JPRS (Japanese only)
2002.02.22 Distribution of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit version 2.3.1 release started.
2002.02.19 Revision of JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures and Rules for Dispute Resolution (Japanese only)
2002.02.14 Draft ccTLD Sponsor Agreement (.jp) (Japanese only)
2002.02.12 IANA Report on Request for Reauthorization with Regard to JP Top Level Domains (Japanese only)
2002.02.08 The 16th JPNIC general meeting - 1 March 2002 (Japanese only)
2002.02.07 Implementation of Decisions Made at JPNIC Open Policy Meeting (Japanese only)
2002.02.01 Revision of the .JP Domain name registration rules (Japanese only)
2002.01.21 Distribution of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit version 2.2.3 release started.
2002.01.10 Publication of Internet Week 2001 tutorial presentations (Japanese only)


2001.12.18 Revision of the .JP Domain name registration rules (Japanese only)
2001.12.07 Announcement of "ICANN Debriefing" and "Meeting to Discuss JPccTLD" (Japanese only)
2001.12.05 Results of Invitation to Comment on Transfer of JP Domain Name Registration Work and Agreement with ICANN (Japanese only)
2001.11.21 Cut-off Date for Exemption from Contract Fee in Conjunction with Specified IP Address Management Provider Agreements (Japanese only)
2001.11.16 JPNIC Policy on "Securing the Public Nature of JP Domain Names" in Conjunction with Transfer of JP Domain Name Registration Management Work (Japanese only)
2001.11.16 Invitation to Comment on Transfer of JP Domain Name Registration Work and Agreement with ICANN (Japanese only)
2001.11.16 The 15th JPNIC general meeting - 6 December 2001 (Japanese only)
2001.10.23 Announcement of "Presentation on IPv6 Address Policy" (2) - Change of Venue (Japanese only)
2001.10.19 Announcement of "Presentation on IPv6 Address Policy" (Japanese only)
2001.10.19 Announcement of "Lecture on Domain Name Disputes" (Japanese only)
2001.10.17 Invitation to Present Papers at Domain-Talk Off-line Meeting (Japanese only)
2001.10.16 LIR Update Meeting - 9 November 2001 (Japanese only)
2001.10.11 Regular briefing for IP Address Management Agents (Japanese only)
2001.10.09 The 1st ICANN Reporting Session - 23 October 2001 (Japanese only)
2001.09.20 Publication of Results of Survey of IPv4 Address Use (Japanese only)
2001.09.17 Announcement of change of address
2001.09.13 Expressing Views on the Alternate Roots Problem
2001.09.05 Establishment of Rules on "JP Domain Name Deletion Reviews and Procedures for the Filing of Complaints Regarding Secretariat Decisions" (Japanese only)
2001.08.28 Introduction of "JPNIC News & Views", a new mail magazine (Japanese only)
2001.08.13 Results of Invitation to Comment on "Outline of Establishment of JPRS Advisory Council (Draft)" (Japanese only)
2001.08.06 Internet Week 2001 in Yokohama (Japanese only)
2001.08.03 The 2nd meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council - 21 August 2001 (Japanese only)
2001.08.01 JPRS announces a new service for browsing Japanese JP domain names
2001.07.09 Invitation to Comment on "IPv6 Address Allocation Rules" and "Proposal New IPv6 Policy" (Japanese only)
2001.07.06 Notice of Revision of mDNkit FAQs, Japanese-language Domain Name Field Trials (Phase 2) Access Procedures, and DNS Setting Procedures (Japanese only)
2001.07.02 The 1st meeting of the JPNIC Advisory Council (Successor to the JPNIC Steering Committee) - 25 July 2001 (Japanese only)
2001.06.28 Announcement of Discussion Meeting on "The Development of the Internet and ICANN" (Japanese only)
2001.06.18 Internet Governance Study Group Meeting 8 (Japanese only)
2001.06.12 Distribution of binary files of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit version 2.1 release started. (Japanese only)
2001.06.04 Distribution of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit version 2.1 release started. (Japanese only)
2001.05.30 IP-Users Meeting (Japanese only)
2001.05.23 Invitation to Comment on "Outline of Establishment of JPRS Advisory Council (Draft)" (Japanese only)
2001.05.16 Announcement of Lecture on General-use JP Domain Name Disputes (Japanese only)
2001.05.09 The 14th JPNIC general meeting - 24 May 2001 (Japanese only)
2001.05.07 Japan Registry Services (JPRS) Co., Ltd. Begins Accepting Advance Requests for Registration of General-use JP Domain Names (Japanese only)
2001.05.07 Announcement of Start of Field Trials of Japanese-language Domain Names (Phase 2) (Japanese only)
2001.05.02 Revision of "Reserved Domain Names Among General-use JP Domain Names" (Japanese only)
2001.04.17 Distribution of binary files of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit version 2.0.1 release started. (Japanese only)
2001.04.06 Distribution of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit version 2.0.1 release started. (Japanese only)
2001.04.03 Distribution of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit version 2.0 release started. (Japanese only)
2001.03.13 Comments on "Outline of Bill for the Amendment of the Unfair competition Prevention Law" (Japanese only)
2001.03.02 The 13th JPNIC general meeting - 16 March 2001 (Japanese only)
2001.02.22 Distribution of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit version 1.3 release started. (Japanese only)
2001.02.20 Publication of "Reserved Domain Names Among General-use JP Domain Names" and "Guidelines on Advance Application for Registration on Basis of Personal Names" (Japanese only)
2001.02.20 Publication of "Details of Implementation of Lottery in Accordance With Guidelines for Implementation of Interim Measures on Registration of General-use JP Domain Names and Complaints Procedure" (Japanese only)
2001.02.13 Publication of Internet Week 2000 tutorial presentations (Japanese only)
2001.02.06 Use of JPRS.JP for General-use JP Domain Name Registration Work (Japanese only)
2001.02.06 Announcement of Conclusion of Agency Agreement Relating to General-use JP Domain Name Work (Japanese only)
2001.02.06 Notice Regarding Agent for Registration Management Work (Japanese only)
2001.02.03 The 12th JPNIC general meeting - 19 February 2001 (Japanese only)
2001.01.26 Establishment of New Company to Undertake JP Domain Name Business (Japanese only)
2001.01.24 LIR Update Meeting - 30 January 2001 (Japanese only)
2001.01.23 Revision of "Detailed Technical Rules on Registration of General-use JP Domain Names" (Japanese only)
2001.01.23 Publication of "Guidelines on Advance Application for Registration on Basis of Registered Trademarks", "Guidelines on Advance Application for Registration on Basis of Trade Names, etc." and "Guidelines on Advance Application for Registration on Basis of A (Japanese only)
2001.01.18 E-mail Distribution of "Priority Registration Applications (Priority to Existing Domain Names)" (2) [Correction] (Japanese only)
2001.01.16 E-mail Distribution of "Priority Registration Applications (Priority to Existing Domain Names)" (Japanese only)
2001.01.15 Distribution of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit version 1.2.1 release started. (Japanese only)
2001.01.01 Revision of Registration Rules for Attribute-type (Organization-type) and Geographical JP Domain Names and Related Regulations (Japanese only)


2000.12.27 Announcement of 11th Extraordinary General Meeting of Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) (Japanese only)
2000.12.13 Publication of "List of Reserved Domain Names Among General-use JP Domain Names (Draft)" (Japanese only)
2000.12.11 Announcement of Publication of Documentation Relating to 11th General Meeting of Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) (Japanese only)
2000.12.11 The 11th JPNIC general meeting - 22 December 2000 (Japanese only)
2000.12.01 Announcement of Publication of Information on Subscriptions and Maintenance Fees (Proposed) (Japanese only)
2000.11.28 Distribution of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit version 1.2 release started. (Japanese only)
2000.11.22 Announcement of Launch of RFC-JP Website (Japanese only)
2000.11.17 Publication of Information on Plans to Transfer JP Domain Name Business and the Future of JPNIC (Japanese only)
2000.11.10 Changes to Schedule for General-use JP Domain Names (Japanese only)
2000.11.06 Publication of "Detailed Technical Rules on Registration of General-use JP Domain Names" (Japanese only)
2000.11.06 Announcement of Start of Field Trials of Japanese-language Domain Names (Phase 1) (Japanese only)
2000.11.06 Distribution of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit version 1.1 release started. (Japanese only)
2000.10.24 Amendments to Content of Information Displayed via WHOIS (Japanese only)
2000.10.18 Multilingual Domain Name Evaluation Kit (mDNkit) Ver 1.0, Official Release, and Start of Distribution
2000.10.10 Revision of Registration Rules for Attribute-type (Organization-type) and Geographical JP Domain Names and Registration Application Form (Japanese only)
2000.10.10 Publication of "Policy on Introduction of General-use JP Domain Names" (Japanese only)
2000.10.03 Media Reporting of Postponement of Acceptance of Applications to Register New Domain Names (Japanese only)
2000.09.25 Discontinuation of PI (Provider-independent) Address Allocation Service (Japanese only)
2000.09.22 Announcement of Publication of "Technical Policy on Japanese-language Domain Names Among General-use JP Domains (Draft)" (Japanese only)
2000.09.20 Distribution of Multilingual Domain Name tool Kit pre-release started. (Japanese only)
2000.09.19 Announcement of Publication of FAQs on General-use JP Domain Names (Japanese only)
2000.09.14 Announcement of Off-line Meeting on Establishment of New General-use JP Domain Names (Japanese only)
2000.09.01 Invitation to Comment on "Policy on General-use JP Domain Names (Draft)" (Japanese only)
2000.08.30 Internet Governance Study Group Meeting 7 (Japanese only)
2000.08.30 Amendments to Content of Information Displayed via WHOIS (Japanese only)
2000.08.25 Announcement of Lecture on Domain Name Disputes (Japanese only)
2000.08.21 The Arbitration Center for Industrial Property (ACFIP) becomes the first recognized organization for dispute resolution
2000.08.16 Revision of JPNIC Guide to Database Registration (Japanese only)
2000.07.28 JPNIC Summer Forum 2000 in Tokyo (Japanese only)
2000.07.19 The Establishment of the "JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (JP-DRP) and the "Rules for the JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy", and the revision of "Rules regarding domain nameregistration, etc."
2000.07.13 Multilingual Domain Name Evaluation Kit (mDNkit) Beta Version Distribution Announcement
2000.07.04 JPNIC Seminar in Osaka (Japanese only)
2000.06.22 Internet Governance Study Group Meeting 5 (Japanese only)
2000.06.15 Proposal for a Task Force on Future JP Domain Names (Japanese only)
2000.06.01 Amendments to JPNIC Allocation Policy (Japanese only)
2000.05.10 Internet Governance Study Group Meeting 4 (Japanese only)
2000.05.08 Invitation to Comment on "JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (1st Report)" and Announcement of "Briefing Session on JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy " (Japanese only)
2000.04.12 JPNIC Employment Opportunities (Japanese only)
2000.04.04 Internet Governance Study Group Meeting 3 (Japanese only)
2000.03.31 Formulation of Policy on the Handling of Domain Name Information and IP Address Information by JPNIC (Japanese only)
2000.03.13 Internet Governance Study Group Meeting 2 (Japanese only)
2000.03.01 Registration of name servers which have IPv6 addresses to the JPNIC database and the JP DNS server
2000.02.24 JPNIC's Approach Regarding Multilingual Domain Name (Draft)
2000.01.24 IRR Study Group Meeting (Japanese only)
2000.01.21 Internet Governance Study Group Meeting 1 (Japanese only)
2000.01.20 Publication of Internet Week 99 tutorial presentations (Japanese only)
2000.01.17 Establishment of the Internet Governance Study Group
2000.01.06 Publication of document for IPv6 sub-TLA address allocation


1999.12.27 Announcement of IPv6 sub-TLA application agent service
1999.12.27 Initiation of ICANN-D mailing list
1999.12.15 Appointing a "Domain Name Dispute Resolution Task Force"
1999.12.06 Additional deployment of .jp orthrized secondary DNS server
1999.12.01 JPNIC New Year Holiday Operating Hours
1999.11.30 Restart of the number of hosts in Japan
1999.11.09 Time limit of name server set up for Domain Names
1999.11.04 Dates in WHOIS search result will be changed for Y2K compliace
1999.11.04 Revisions to JPNIC Database Registration Guide
1999.11.04 Changes: .jp domain DNS server
1999.11.02 Comments and replies to new JPNIC documents and drafts
1999.10.01 Publication of new JPNIC documents and request for comments
1999.09.30 Information on the Large-Scale Earthquake and on the Reconstruction of the Internet in Taiwan
1999.09.29 JP Domain Names Exceeded 100,000
1999.08.04 Announcement of Internet Week 99
1999.07.27 Financial support for ICANN (report)
1999.07.06 Publication of "IPv6 Allocation and Assignment Policy Document (draft)"
1999.07.01 Experimental Project of ED Domain Name Registration
1999.06.24 Clarification of the Requirement of Domain Name Registration for Local Government
1999.06.16 Change of JPNIC Bank Account for Registration Payment
1999.05.26 How JPNIC Deals with IPv6
1999.05.12 Publication of Domain Name and IP Address Assignment Survey Report (for applications made in December 1998)
1999.05.11 Cancellation of DNS Zone Transfer and of Distribution of JP Domain List and IP address List
1999.04.15 JPNIC Translations of Internet-related Documents
1999.04.12 Trouble with whois Server (whois.nic.ad.jp)
1999.04.08 Discontinuation of http://www.nic.ad.jp/cgi-bin/new-whois-gate.pl
1999.04.05 Request to Subscribers of JPNIC Mailing Lists to Re-subscribe Due to Change of Network Service's OR.JP Domain Name to NE.JP Domain Name
1999.04.01 Cancellation Stop of DNS Zone Information Transfer, Reverse Name Information Transfer of JP Domain and of JP Domain List Distribution
1999.03.31 Publication of Internet Week 98 Tutorial Lecture Note
1999.03.23 Publication of OR Domain Names list of Network Services Changed to NE.JP Domain Names
1999.03.09 Change of Domain Names of Some Network Services (form OR.JP to NE.JP)
1999.03.05 Publication of Internet Week 98 Tutorial Presentation Materials
1999.02.24 Deadline for Sending Opinions on and Counterproposals to JP Domain Name Ground Design 1999 (draft)
1999.02.16 Publication of the Report of Computer Network Status Survey
1999.01.29 Exceptions to the Cancellation of DNS Zone Information Transfer and Reverse Name Information Transfer
1999.01.29 Announcement on the Cancellation of DNS Zone Information Transfer and Reverse Name Information Transfer (second notice)
1999.01.18 Solicitation of Opinions on and Counterproposals to JP Domain Name Ground Design 1999 (draft)
1999.01.13 Establishment of EDU-TALK Mailing List
1999.01.07 Domain Name Registration Rules Revised
1999.01.06 Documents Accompanying Domain Name Transfer Application Changed


1998.01.20 Use of the JPNIC Database

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