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Corporate Profile Japanese Page

Corporate name Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC)
[ Map ]
Uchikanda OS Bldg 4F, 2-12-6 Uchi-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047, Japan
TEL: +81-3-5297-2311 FAX: +81-3-5297-2312
Established March 31, 1997
President Dr. Hiroshi Esaki
Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
[ Board of Trustees ]
  • IP address business
    • Providing Resource Services
      • IPv4 address
      • IPv6 address
      • AS number
    • Providing IRR Service
    • Delegation of reverse DNS zone
    • Providing IP address and ASN related information
      • Whois database
      • Statistics
    • Co-ordination with the Internet Community in Japan and overseas
      • Policy making
      • Training
  • Internet infrastructure development
    • Providing services as a network information center
    • Publishing and educating through newsletters, Web and e-mail magazines.
    • Researching and studying new technologies such as internationalized domain names, interoperability of VoIP/SIP and ENUM, etc.
    • Researching security mechanism as Nat'l Internet Registry (Certification Authority, etc.)
    • Organizing and holding seminars, conferences, technical events and lectures.
    • Overseeing public interest of JP domain name registry from ICANN-JPRS ccTLD sponsorship agreement
      • Developing JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
      • Providing data escrow services for JP domain names
    • Coordinating worldwide policy development for domain names
Organization figure: organization
Number of Members 174 ()
[ Member List ] (In Japanese)
JPNIC Photo Gallery [ Photo ]

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