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September 6, 2013

JPNIC Publishes "The Internet Timeline" as the Output of History Compilation Project

Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) publishes "The Internet Timeline", which is a compilation of the history on the Internet resource management in Japan, as well as covering some of major global events on the Internet.

Since its foundation of its predecessor JNIC, JPNIC has been deeply involved in management of the Internet resources in Japan including IP addresses and JP domain names, which are indispensable as "common Internet resources" to establish the interconnectivity on the Internet by TCP/IP protocol.

Turning twenty years since its reorganization to membership association this year, JPNIC has been running a history project to compile and collect the information about the history of the Internet, focusing on the Internet resource management.

As the output of this project, JPNIC publishes on its web site today "The Internet Timeline" both in English and Japanese, which chronologically show various events and milestones on the Internet in relation to both the global Internet and the Japanese Internet.

We welcome your feedbacks about "The Internet Timeline" for improvements and to be able to receive more substantial facts.

Please feel free to contact us at "history-comment@nic.ad.jp".

We would like to acknowlege and thank JPCERT/CC for their inputs and contributions in compiling the history of security related events.

We do hope that it helps you to have a better understanding on the Internet history.


Japan Network Information Center(JPNIC)
History Compilation Project

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