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4. JPNIC Information Japanese Page

4-1 Partial Changes in the WHOIS Contents

1. Background

JPNIC drew up a new policy regarding handling of domain name information and IP address information. In addition, changes were made (on August 30, and on November 11) regarding the items presented in WHOIS, which has been used as a JPNIC database registration form.

2. Changes

Changes Made August 30

  • Domain Information
    • s. [Use of IP network] was deleted.
  • Information Regarding Persons in Charge (JPNIC personnel information)
    • e. [NIC handle] was deleted.
    • h. [Postal Code], i. [Address (Japanese)] and j. [Address (English)] are no longer made available to the public.
    • [Telephone number] and p. [Facsimile number] of the person in charge of registration and the person in charge of operations are no longer made available to the public.
    • Please refer to "JPNIC Database Registration and Change Guide: for General users" (*1)for changes in information regarding persons in charge.
  • Connection Information
    • r. We eliminated duplications of [Connecting domain name] and changed it to an alphabetical order.

Changes made on November 1

  • Domain Information
    • The following items were made private.
      o. [Service Provider Name]
      q. [Registration Date]
      r. [Location of Registration]
      w. [Primary Representative]
      x. [Secondary Representative]
      t. [Name of Primary Representative Cooperation]
      u. [Name of Secondary Representative Cooperation]
      h. [Postal Code] I. [Address (Japanese)]
      j. [Address (English)]
  • Network Information
    • The following items were made private.
      h. [Postal Code]
      i. [Address (Japanese)]
      j. [Address (English)]
  • Please refer to "Domain Name Server Setting Procedures"(*2), regarding the setting of name servers by looking up domain names and by looking up IP addresses from the opposite end.

3. Consequences of Changes in WHOIS Contents

The previous WHOIS contents were identical to those of the JPNIC database registration form. Please note that WHOIS will appear different from the JPNIC database registration form due to the changes.

4. Start Accepting Requests for Disclosure

Starting November 1, registration information will be disclosed in written form when there is a request by the designated procedure.

Please refer to "JPNIC Database Information Disclosure" (*3)at the following URLs for more details.

5. Related materials

  • (*1)"JPNIC Database Registration and Change Guide: for General users"
  • (*2)"Domain Name Server Setting Procedures"
  • (*3) "JPNIC Database Information Disclosure"
    "JPNIC Database Registration and Change Guide: for JPNIC members"

6. Contact

JPNIC Secretariat, Database section

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